Grandparent Scam Advisory

The Medicine Hat Police Service is receiving reports that the “Grandparent Scam” is once again circulating in the Southern Alberta area.

In the typical scenario, a grandparent receives a phone call from a con artist pretending to be their grandchildren. The caller will sometime say that they are in trouble, usually a car accident, returning from a foreign country, or even in jail and need money immediately.

Unfortunately, victims do not verify the story until after the money has been sent as the caller specifically asks “Can you please help me? I'm in jail (or in the hospital / legal trouble or in some type of financial need). But don't tell Mom/Dad. They will kill me if they find out, please sent the money ASAP. I'm scared".  Wanting to help their grandchild, the victim sends the money as requested. 

Variations on the scam are an old neighbor, a friend of the family etc. but predominantly the emergency scam is usually directed towards seniors and grandparents.

The MHPS is encouraging residents to talk with their older relatives about what to do when they receive a suspicious call:

•              Verify the caller’s identity and the legitimacy of the story. Call the grandchild directly and if they can’t be reached, contact their parents, siblings, or another relative who can help verify the story.

•              If the caller claims to a police officer, lawyer or other official, call the police station or officer directly to confirm the legitimacy of the call.

•              Do not use any phone numbers or other contact details provided by the caller to try to verify the information.

•              Do not provide money, gift cards, cryptocurrency or any other form of payment to someone you do not know.

•              Bail is always paid in person and the police station, courthouse or correctional centre and receipt of payment is provided.  Police and court officials will never attend your home to pick up cash.

•              Never disclose personal information over the phone to someone you do not know.

If you or someone you know has received such a request for money, contact your family or the MHPS who can advise you further.  If you have fallen victim to this scam, and have not already reported it, please contact the MHPS at 403-529-8481.

Media Contact:

Cst. Kurtis Ladouceur
Criminal Investigation Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-502-1188


Man Charged after Traffic Related Altercation

On October 29, 2024, the Medicine Hat Police Service received a report about a traffic related altercation that had occurred the previous day but had not yet been reported. According to the information received, a verbal dispute had occurred on the roadway between two motorists which then escalated shortly thereafter into a physical altercation. 

A 63-year-old man was seriously injured during this altercation and subsequently transported to hospital for treatment. He has since been discharged and is recovering at home.

During the investigation, the second person involved in the dispute came forward to police. As a result of this investigation, a 28-year-old male from Medicine Hat has been charged with one count of aggravated assault. He has been released from custody and is scheduled to appear in Medicine Hat Provincial Court on December 17, 2024.

The identity of the accused cannot be released as the charges have not yet been sworn in court.

Media Contact:
Inspector Jason Graham
Operational Services Division
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8481


Weapons & Dangerous Operation of Motor Vehicle

During the afternoon of October 28, 2024, the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) Patrol Section responded to a report of a dispute in the area of Thompson Crescent SE. Information received at the time indicated that a 33-year-old male, allegedly in possession of a firearm, had left the residence in a vehicle with a female acquaintance shortly before officers arrived.

The MHPS Criminal Investigation Section assisted Patrols with the investigation, locating the man in his vehicle shortly thereafter. When officers attempted a traffic stop, the man refused to pull over. Due to public safety concerns, officers did not pursue the vehicle at that time.

The vehicle was located later that day in a remote area on the west side of the city near the river.  It appears the man had driven the vehicle off-road, through a field and over an embankment on the south side of the river. With assistance from HALO, officers located and arrested the man. The man had sustained minor injuries from the collision and was treated at the hospital for those injuries.

Resulting from this investigation, Leonard Beaulieu, of Medicine Hat, AB has been charged with the following offenses:

  • Uttering Threats
  • Breach of Firearms Prohibition
  • Possession of a Firearm in a Vehicle
  • Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm
  • Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon
  • Possession of a Weapon Dangerous to the Public
  • Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle
  • Flight from a Peace Officer

Beaulieu was held for a judicial interim release hearing and remanded into custody. He is scheduled to appear in Medicine Hat Provincial Court on October 30, 2024.

Media Contact:

Insp Jason Graham
Operational Service Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8416


Traffic Advisory: OD Escort - Oct 29 9AM

The Medicine Hat Police Service will be conducting an over dimensional load escort on October 29, 2024, starting at 9:00 am.  The over dimensional load will be starting at Bromley Mechanical (925 23 Street SW) to the west Redcliff town limits on Highway #1. Traffic will be affected in both the East and West bound lanes on highway #1 and in the SW industrial Area due to counterflowing of the over dimensional load.  Please avoid these areas if possible and arrange to take alternate routes, please be patient and follow all police/bylaw/pilot vehicle directions.


Traffic Advisory: OD Load Escort 1 PM

The Medicine Hat Police Service will be conducting an over dimensional load escort on October 28, 2024, starting at 1:00 pm.  The over dimensional load will be starting on Highway #3 to Cactus Coulee Place SW. Traffic will be affected on Highway #3 and on Range Road 62 which connects to Gershaw Drive SW at Highway #3 due to the size of the over dimensional load.  Please avoid these areas if possible and arrange to take alternate routes, please be patient and follow all police/bylaw/pilot vehicle directions.


Assault with a Weapon

On October 23, 2024, at approximately 11:45AM members of Medicine Hat Police Service Patrol Section were called to a report of an injured person in the 800 block of 3 Street SE. On arrival, it was soon learned that the involved person was injured because of an assault at a residence in the same block. Patrol officers subsequently attended to the residence where the assault happened. Officers then attempted to speak with an occupant of the house who was later learned to be the suspect in the assault. At this time, the suspect brandished a knife and threatened a police officer with it. The suspect then went back into the residence and additional police resources arrived on scene. Officers made attempts to decompress the situation, and a PACT police officer (Police and Crisis Team) was able to successfully negotiate the suspect out of the residence.

The suspect, a 44 year old Medicine Hat man, has been charged with assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm, possess weapon dangerous, and utter threats. The victim is known to the suspect and the suspect is scheduled to make his court appearance on November 18, 2024.

S/Sgt. Rod Thompson

Patrol Team 4

Medicine Hat Police Service


Assault with Weapon

UPDATE:  October 24, 2024 3:45 PM

On October 23, 2024, Richard McArthur, 34, of Medicine Hat, was formally charged in connection with a stabbing incident reported in the area of 1 St SE and 6 Ave SE. Following an investigation, investigators have determined that the suspect and the victim were known to each other, and this was not a random attack. Following a bail hearing, McArthur has been remanded into custody with his next court appearance scheduled for October 31, 2024.  At this time, there is no evidence to suggest any ongoing risk to the public. 



On October 23, 2024, members of the Medicine Hat Police Service responded to the area of 1st Street and 6th Avenue SE after receiving a report that a man had been stabbed. Officers located the injured man, who was immediately transported to hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.

Officers were also able to identify a suspect who had fled the area following the attack and arrested him a short time later. Members of the MHPS Major Crimes Unit attended to assist with the investigation and were able to locate an edged weapon in the area.

Resulting from this investigation a 34-year-old man has been charged with assault with a weapon causing bodily harm and is currently in custody awaiting a Bail Hearing.

Media Contact:

Acting S/Sgt. Darren Lole
Criminal Investigation Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8421


Banking Scam - Charges Laid

Three males are facing charges of theft, fraud and extortion after an investigation into a scam operating in the Medicine Hat area.

On October 17, 2024, the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) received a report of a banking scam operating in our community targeting seniors.

In this scenario, a senior received a phone call from a con artist pretending to be an investigator from their bank. The caller claimed the person’s identity had been compromised and their account has been used for illegal activity.  The senior was told that they were required to pay for an investigation through their bank security services, to clear their name, and that the money would be refunded to them on conclusion of the investigation.

As a result of this matter being reported to the MHPS, the Criminal Investigation Section assisted by the Patrol Section and ALERT Medicine Hat, commenced an investigation into fraud, theft and extorsion, and using specialist techniques turned the table on the scammer resulting in the apprehension of persons involved. 

Rahul DUDRA 25 years old, Kumar RAJAT 25 years old, and Jaskirat SINGH 25 years old, all of Calgary, Alberta were identified and arrested in Medicine Hat. The males were each charged with the following offences;

  • Theft Over $5000 x 2
  • Fraud Over $5000 x 2
  • Extortion. 

Following a Judicial Interim Release Hearing and the accused were released by the Justice of the Peace  and scheduled to attend court in Medicine Hat on November 5, 2024. 

Media Contact:

A/SSgt. Darren Lole
Criminal Investigation Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8421


Injury MVC

On October 15, 2024, at approximately 6:53 PM, Police, Fire and EMS responded to the intersection of South Boundary Road SE and Southridge Drive SE following a report of an injury motor vehicle collision.  The collision involved a SUV and a motorcycle.  The driver of the motorcycle sustained serious injuries and was transported to the hospital for treatment.  No injuries were sustained by the driver of the SUV.

The collision is still under investigation and the Medicine Hat Police Service Traffic Unit is requesting assistance from the public.  Anyone who witnessed the collision and has not yet spoken to investigators is asked to call 403-529-8481 to speak to a member of the Traffic Unit.

Media Contact:

Sgt. Stacey Fishley
Traffic Unit
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8471


Injury MVC

On October 15, 2024, at approximately 7:20 AM, Police, Fire and EMS responded to the 800 block of Gershaw Drive SW following a report of injury motor vehicle collision.  The collision involved a truck and a motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle sustained serious injuries and was transported to the hospital for treatment.  No injuries were sustained by the driver of the truck.

The collision is still under investigation and the Medicine Hat Police Service Traffic Unit is requesting assistance from the public.  Anyone who witnessed the collision and has not yet spoken to investigators is asked to call 403-529-8481 to speak to a member of the Traffic Unit.

Media Contact:

Sgt. Stacey Fishley
Traffic Unit
Medicine Hat Police Service
PhL 403-529-8471
