MHPS Open House - June 1, 2024

On Saturday, June 1, 2024, the Medicine Hat Police Service will be opening our doors to the community from 11 AM to 3:00 PM.  This event will provide an opportunity to learn more about the MHPS and its operations through information and displays, demonstrations and building tours.

In coordination with the Open House, the Medicine Hat Safe Community Association will be hosting a BBQ and 22 local Grade 6 students will be presented with awards from the Chief Gord Earl Leadership Legacy Fund.  The Fund was established in 2008 to celebrate Chief Earl’s contributions to the community and to honor his memory.  The fund is administered through the Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta and each year recognizes Grade 6 students that have demonstrated the core values of the MHPS of integrity, respect, courage, and accountability.

Elementary schools identify students from within the local school districts who have demonstrated the qualities of future community leaders.  Since its inception in 2008, the Chief Earl Leadership Legacy Fund has rewarded 231 students with scholarships.

There is no charge to attend this event and no need to pre-register.

Media Contact:

Sgt. Adam Gregory
Community Safety Unit
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8451


Arson Charged Laid

On the morning of August 14, 2023, the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) and the Medicine Hat Fire Department (MHFD) responded to a report of a structure fire at a business located in the 500 block of Rutherford Street NW.

The MHPS Criminal Investigation Section took over the matter and after a lengthy investigation on May 1, 2024, charged Keith Knight (77 years of age), of Medicine Hat, AB with arson for a fraudulent purpose.  Knight was released on an undertaking to appear in Medicine Hat Provincial Court on June 11, 2024.

Media Contact:
S/Sgt. Jason Graham
Criminal Investigation Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8421


Pro-Active Engagement and Community Enhancement Team

Community partners work collaboratively to provide an alternative response to temporary encampments in Medicine Hat.

Starting in April a new team of community partners, entitled the Pro-Active Engagement and Community Enhancement (PEACE) Team, involving representatives from the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS), Addiction and Mental Health Police and Crisis Team, Medicine Hat Fire Services, Community Housing, City of Medicine Hat Parks and Recreation Department and the Miywasin Friendship Center will work collectively to identify temporary encampments and provide services to individuals in need.

In 2023, members of the MHPS Operational Services Division and Municipal Bylaw Enforcement attended to 134 calls for service at encampments throughout the city. Additionally, the Medicine Hat Fire Service attended to 60 calls where fires or accelerants were present in encampments, and the Parks and Recreation Department was tasked with numerous cleanups of encampments which resulted in a substantial cost associated to the removal of discarded materials.

Outdoor encampments are a safety concern to the community due to the risk of fire and hazardous conditions. The PEACE team was created to coordinate the efforts of all involved agencies and provide a proactive response to the concerns associated with encampments. Members of the PEACE team will provide information and resources to individuals in the encampments, including mental health and addictions supports if required, and will work to connect those in need with reasonable access to community housing. Enforcement at locations may occur if primary support options are not accepted.

The PEACE team participants were carefully selected as each agency has direct contact with persons who live in outdoor encampments. “This partnership will increase the effectiveness of each agency as well as provide a multitude of resources to those in need,” says MHPS Chief Al Murphy. “It is our goal to ensure outdoor spaces can be enjoyed by the entire community and those who are struggling are provided the resources they require.”

The PEACE Team will commence operations in April and will provide services until September at which time a review of calls attended, and effectiveness of the program will occur.

Media Contact:
Inspector Brent Secondiak
Operational Services Division
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8412


Noisy Vehicle Enforcement

With spring in the air and warmer temperatures forthcoming, people are spending more time outside, and the familiar sounds of noisy mufflers and modified vehicles are unfortunately also increasing as well.

At this time of year, it is common for the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) to receive an increased number of complaints relating to noisy vehicles. To proactively address this concern, the MHPS Traffic Unit officers have provided training to front-line officers to ensure they can effectively identify and investigate noisy vehicle violations. In addition, this year the Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Section has been provided training on noisy vehicle enforcement which will provide additional resources for enforcement of the legislation.

Over the coming months, the MHPS will be conducting enhanced targeted enforcement, with a focus on modified vehicles, and loud vehicles. The safety of all road users is important to the MHPS and through this enforcement initiative the goal is to reduce the number of problem vehicles and curb aggressive driving behavior that is causing disruptive noise throughout the community.

Vehicle owners who modify their exhaust systems, have inadequate baffles, or intentionally cause the vehicles to be unnecessarily loud may be subject to a $162 fine.

To report a concern about a noisy vehicle, community members can submit a Traffic Tip online via the MHPS website or the MHPS mobile app. The MHPS mobile app is free to download and available for both Apple and android devices. Tipsters should be prepared to provide detailed information to the tip line including vehicle descriptions and license plates when possible.

Media Contact:

Sgt. Stacey Fishley
Traffic Unit
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8471


Grandparent Scam Advisory

The Medicine Hat Police Service is receiving reports that the “Grandparent Scam” is once again circulating in the Southern Alberta area.

In the typical scenario, a grandparent receives a phone call from a con artist pretending to be their grandchildren. The caller will sometime say that they are in trouble, usually a car accident, returning from a foreign country, or even in jail and need money immediately.

Unfortunately, victims do not verify the story until after the money has been sent as the caller specifically asks “Can you please help me? I'm in jail (or in the hospital / legal trouble or in some type of financial need). But don't tell Mom/Dad. They will kill me if they find out, please sent the money ASAP. I'm scared". Wanting to help their grandchild, the victim sends the money as requested.

Variations on the scam are an old neighbor, a friend of the family etc. but predominantly the emergency scam is directed towards seniors and grandparents.

If you or someone you know has received such a request for money, contact your family or the MHPS who can advise you further. If you have fallen victim to this scam, and have not already reported it, please contact the MHPS at 403-529-8481.

Media Contact:

Cst. Kurtis Ladouceur
Criminal Investigation Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-502-1188


Woman Charged with Mail Thefts

Between February and April of 2024, the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) received 16 separate reports of theft from Canada Post community mailboxes located throughout the city.

During the evening of April 10, 2024, the MHPS received a report a theft in progress from a community mailbox and as a result, MHPS patrol officers attended to the area and located a female suspect leaving the scene. The woman was taken into custody and found to be in possession of break in tools as well as hundreds of items of mail.

The MHPS Criminal Investigation Section took over the investigation and searched a local residence as well as executed two search warrants on storage lockers within the city. Thousands of reported and unreported items of mail, both in letter and parcel form were recovered.

Following this investigation, Cassandra Chenoweth, 41-years-old, of Medicine Hat, AB has been charged with several mail / theft related offences. Chenoweth was held in custody for a Judicial Interm Release hearing and was released from custody. Chenoweth is scheduled to appear in Provincial Court on May 8, 2024.

The investigation is ongoing as MHPS investigators are now working closely with Canada Post Inspectors and its is expected further charges will be laid. Additionally with the assistance of Canada Post the recovered mail and packages will be returned to their intended recipients when they are no longer required for investigational purposes.

Media Contact:

S/Sgt. Jason Graham
Criminal Investigation Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8421


April 10, 2024 – 125th Anniversary Cop Cards

In celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) a collection of “Cop Cards” are being released.

Thirty (30) MHPS Police and Peace Officers are participating in the program with each card containing a short biography of the officer and highlights a photograph selected by each individual member.

Throughout the history of the MHPS, cop cards have been created as a community engagement initiative with a goal to increase the approachability of officers and encourage interaction with members of the public. The last version of MHPS cop cards was distributed in 2010.

This time around, for the kids (and the young at heart), both printed and virtual versions of the cop cards are available to be collected. If a young person, under the age of 18 collects all thirty (30) cop cards, they will be eligible to win a reward from the Office of the Chief of Police.

Media Contact:

Al Murphy
Chief of Police
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8416



Break and Enter Theft – Connaught Golf Club

On the morning of April 4, 2024, the Medicine Hat Police Service responded to a break, enter and theft to the Connaught Golf Club located on 13 Avenue SE. As a result of the incident a large safe along with its contents were stolen from within.

The MHPS Criminal Investigation Section took over the matter and as part of the investigation executed a residential search warrant in Redcliff. As a result, Cole Marshall, a 37-year-old male from Redcliff has been charged with the following;

  • Break and Enter to commit theft,
  • Breach of Release Order x 3

Additionally, police were able to locate the safe along with all its contents in a rural area north of the city limits.

Marshall was held in custody for a Judicial Interm Release hearing where he was remanded into custody pending his next court appearance on April 9, 2024, in Medicine Hat Provincial Court.

The investigation into this matter is still ongoing.


Fraud Prevention Month

As Fraud Prevention Month concludes for 2024, the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) felt it would be valuable to share some statistics around fraud in our community.

In 2023, there were about 529 fraud general occurrences were investigated by Police. The top five types of fraud the MHPS saw were online frauds, transaction card frauds, mass marketing frauds, taxi fraud, and securities/financial fraud which accounted for about 429 of those 529 investigations.

Locally, Medicine Hat residents lost nearly $3.5 million dollars to fraud. This loss of money inevitably has an effect on the local economy.

The MHPS were able to make about 4% in recoveries through fraud investigations, recovering over $155,000. This year, many “Grandparent Scam” style frauds occurred in our community. Over just a few days, the individuals operating this scam victimized multiple people and gained over $40,000. MHPS was able to locate and charge one of the individuals responsible for this crime. This is a common scam that primarily targets the elderly.

Frauds related to online banking, transaction cards, or cheque frauds, frequently result in banks conducting their own investigation. In some cases, the victims are successful in having their funds returned by the banks.

Regarding online scams, very little money was able to be recovered as the funds were typically sent through gift cards, e-transfers, or online deposits which are difficult to track.

Citizens are reminded to please remain aware of frauds all year round. The Medicine Hat Police Service is hopeful that the increased education on current fraud trends, through Fraud Prevention Month, will reduce the number of people victimized by scams in the future. As always, if you believe you may have been a victim of a fraud or attempted fraud, contact a trusted person for support and call the police for assistance.

For more information on common frauds or scams and for information on how to protect yourself visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at


Media Contact:

A/Sgt Brent Bohrn
Medicine Hat Police Service
Community Support Unit


FPM Wk 4: Mass Marketing and Phone Scams

Mass marketing and phone scams are currently one of the most common frauds. Ultimately, the fraudster wants to obtain your personal information or be provided money from you in any method. The difficulty in these types of frauds is that the targets believe they are dealing with a real company or someone they trust. The fraudsters sound very convincing and work hard to manipulate the people they call.

Whether is it by phone or by email, if you are not certain you are talking to someone legitimate, end the conversation and contact the business directly to confirm. Often fraudsters will use phone numbers that are “spoofed”, or copied, to look legitimate, or emails that look real but are not. A company will usually use its own name in the email address as a contact as opposed to an email ending in Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo. These are easy things to confirm when you contact the businesses directly yourself.

One type of phone scam is an emergency scam or grandparent scam. The scammer contacts a person posing as their relative and they sound scared and quiet. They will call the victim by a generic name or title such as “Grandma” or “Grandpa”. When the victim calls them by the name of their grandchild, they will make up a story that they have been arrested for a crime (such as an impaired driving collision), they are being held in jail somewhere, and need money. They will often request that the money be wire transferred to a certain place, often out of the country and will say that the money is going to a lawyer, as bail, or for fines and they cannot tell their parents. Remember to always check with your family members to determine if an emergency call is legitimate before transferring money.

Another common scam involves people posing as professionals from the Canada Revenue Agency, Canada Border Services Agency, Microsoft or computer technical support, or government officials in hopes to gather personal information or have money sent to them. They may request e-transfers, gift card codes, crypto currency, or credit card information. Remember, no legitimate company or government agency will request gift cards codes or crypto currency as payment.

Always call the company/agency back at their phone number that you have researched and confirm if the situation is real.

In general, a good financially responsible rule is to always ask questions before transferring or investing. A professional will have no problem answering your questions, showing credentials, and providing references to prove they are legitimate.

For more information on common frauds or scams and for information on how to protect yourself visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at

Media Contact:

A/Sgt Brent Bohrn
Medicine Hat Police Service
Community Support Unit
