Online Reporting
30.06.21Online reporting may be used for reporting a crime if the loss or damage is under $5,000 and there are no suspects. Reports can be filed online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once the information is submitted, a file number will be generated and final report returned to the email provided, usually within 24 hours. If you do not have internet access or have an email address, you can report the incident by calling (403) 529-8481.
The following report types should be submitted online:
- Theft from vehicle (car prowling)– Up to $5,000 value of property
- Theft of property– Up to $5,000 value of property
- NEW - Theft of credit or debit card (when that is the only item missing)
- Mischief to vehicle– such as vandalism
- Mischief to property– such as vandalism & graffiti
- Lost property– with the exception of government-issued ID such as passports. Please call (403) 529-8481 to report lost government issued documents.
- Attempted stolen vehicle– regardless of damage value
- NEW - Break & enter into unlocked premise other than residential (includes; sheds, parking garages, storage lockers, detached garages, etc.) Residential and commercial break and enters should be reported to (403)-529-8481.
- NEW - Theft of mail (including packages from postal services and other delivery services)
- NEW - Stolen property for sale online (including; Kijiji, Craigslist, Facebook, etc.)
For all other property-related offences, call the MHPS non-emergency line 403-529-8481, where officers are available to answer questions and take some reports over the phone.
To report a motor vehicle collision with no injuries call the Collision Reporting Centre at 403-581-1070.
Call 9-1-1 for all emergencies and to report crimes in progress.
For more information or to determine if your event meets the criteria for filing online, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions.
To begin the process, please click HERE.
Forms for Victims of Crime
Please note that some or all of the following are applicable only if you are the victim and the accused person(s) is charged with a crime. Please contact the Victim Assistance Unit office for more details at 403-529-8480.
Interim Victims of Crime Assistance Program:
Help for Victims of Crime: Overview
Victims of crime can get a monetary benefit to acknowledge victimization, based on serious injuries directly suffered from a crime. This includes a Serious Injury Benefit for victims who are seriously injured as a direct result of crime who require assistance to perform daily functions and a death benefit reimbursement for funeral costs of victims who died as a result of violent crime.
Serious Injury Benefit Application Form
Death Benefit Application Form
Victims of crime can also apply for financial assistance to help with emergency safety and security expenses, court attendance expenses, as well as access to psychological supports for injuries suffered from the crime and must be received within 45 days of the incident.
- Emergency Crime Victim Assistance - financial assistance following a violent crime to assist with safety and security-related losses and damages
- Court Attendance Expense Reimbursement - for expenses related to court attendance for specified events, such as sentencing or providing a victim impact statement.
- Counselling - Immediate access to short-term supports to assist in dealing with the psychological impacts related to specified Criminal Code offences.
Emergency Crime Victim Assistance Application
Court Attendance Expense Reimbursement Application
Counselling Program Application
Victim Impact Statement
Victims of crime are entitled to submit a Victim Impact Statement. It is an opportunity to communicate to the court how this crime has affected their life and to describe any physical or emotional impact that has been experienced as a result. If you plan to complete a Victim Impact Statement you must notify the Victim Assistance Unit office as soon as possible.
Victim Impact Statement Brochure
Restitution Recovery Program
If you have lost money, property, or had extra expenses as a result of this crime you may apply for restitution. It is important to return the Request for Restitution to police quickly so that the court may consider it if the accused person is found guilty and convicted.
Community Impact Statement
A community impact statement is a chance to let the judge know how your community has been hurt because of a crime and can be submitted on behalf of a community by one community representative.
Community Impact Statement Brochure
Monthly Enforcement
16.01.25January 2025 - Intersection safety
Alberta’s government is reminding drivers to slow down and proceed carefully through intersections.
Statistics show intersection-related collisions increase in the new year, largely due to winter driving and low light conditions. One in four collisions on Alberta roads occurs at an intersection, resulting in far too many injuries and deaths, as well as millions of dollars in damages each year.
Pedestrians, cyclists and motorists converge at intersections at different speeds, increasing the risk of collisions. Preventable intersection collisions are largely due to driver error, including driving too fast for weather conditions, making an improper left turn, failing to stop at a stop sign or disobeying a traffic signal. Each and every Alberta driver has a responsibility to ensure our roads are safe for everyone.
Intersection safety tips
- When approaching an intersection or crosswalk, always be alert for vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists.
- Elderly pedestrians or those with disabilities may need more time to cross the road. Please be patient and wait until they finish crossing.
- Pedestrians always have the right-of-way at an unmarked intersection or stop sign unless otherwise indicated by signage.
- If you can’t see the wheels of the vehicle in front of you, you’ve stopped too close.
Quick facts
- On average, 42 people are killed and more than 800 are seriously injured each year in collisions at intersections in Alberta (2018 – 2022).
- Most collisions in Alberta (90 per cent in 2021) are property damage-only collisions.
- About 96.3 per cent of intersection collisions occurred in urban areas from 2018-2022. However, almost half (about 44.1 per cent) of fatal intersection collisions occurred in rural areas.
- About 80 per cent of all collisions involve driver error.
- In Alberta, failing to stop at a stop sign can result in a $405 fine and three demerits.
- At a stop sign, drivers must come to a complete stop before proceeding safely through the intersection.
For more information contact:
Sgt. Stacey Fishley
Traffic Unit
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8471
Online Reporting Frequently Asked Questions
03.04.20Why report my incident online?
Online reporting is a convenient reporting option that can provide you with a copy of the police report and a police file number. Your incident is eligible for reporting online if:
- The incident occurred within the city of Medicine Hat
The loss or damage reported is under $5,000; and - There are no known suspects
What if the incident did not occur within the city of Medicine Hat?
If the incident did not occur within the city of Medicine Hat then you should report the incident to the local police agency for the jurisdiction where it occurred.
What is a known suspect?
A known suspect is when you or someone else knows the person or knows where to find the person who committed the crime. Examples include; knowing the person’s name or the license plate number of the vehicle the suspect was in. If you have a known suspect involved in your incident, please call 403-529-8481 to file your report.
What if I have a suspect description?
A "suspect description" or CCTV footage, is not considered a "known suspect". A suspect description can be included in the incident description when entering an online report, assuming the incident fulfills the other online reporting criteria.
What happens if I find something left behind by the suspect?
Items that are left behind by the suspect may help to identify him/her. If there is evidence, do not file a report online. Call 403-529-8481 to report this incident.
What if I require a police file number for insurance purposes?
You will receive an unofficial copy of your report as well as a temporary file number when you submit your online report. Your report will be reviewed by a police officer within 24 hours. Once it is confirmed that your online report meets the online report criteria, an official report and Medicine Hat Police Service file number will be emailed to you. Only the official file number can be used for insurance purposes.
What do I do if my incident does not qualify for online reporting?
Some incidents require more information to be gathered including having an officer to be dispatched to the crime scene to conduct an investigation or others require interaction with an officer over the phone or at a police station. These incidents cannot be reported via online reporting. If your incident does not meet the criteria for online reporting please call 403-529-8481 to speak to an officer.
Why can't I report a motor vehicle collision online?
Due to the complexity of data that needs to be gathered and the need to verify collision details, most vehicle collisions require the attention of an officer or a Collision Reporting Center agent. Please call 403-529-8481 to speak to an officer.
What happens to my report after I have submitted it?
Your report will be reviewed by a police officer within 24 hours. You may be contacted for additional information and you will receive an email explaining the status of your report. Once approved, your report will be transferred to the Medicine Hat Police Service Records Management System to undergo standard investigative and analytical processes. Your report will be retained as per the Medicine Hat Police Service retention policy.
What do you do with my personal information?
The personal information in this online report will be collected, used and disclosed for the purposes outlined in Sections 33 to 43 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) Act and other legal requirements where they are consistent with the FOIPP Act. If you have any questions regarding the collection of information, contact the Medicine Hat Police Service, Information Coordinator, 884 2 ST SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta, T1A 8H2.
Submit a Tip
15.06.20This is not monitored 24/7.
If you require an immediate police presence call 911. Do NOT use this for emergencies.
Concerns and tips cannot be reported annoymously and must have contact information included.
Tips may also be submitted anonymously via Crime Stoppers or by calling 1-800-222-TIPS.
This page may not be monitored 24/7.
Job Opportunity: Sr Systems Administrator
10.09.18Our ideal candidate brings extensive knowledge of computer networks, network protocols, LAN/WAN/VPN technologies and database systems. Working knowledge of common scripting and programming languages would be considered an asset.
Required qualifications:
- 2 year diploma in Computer Technology or related field from
a recognized post secondary institution,
- 5 years of experience in a related
technical / systems analyst position,
- and must pass full police security clearance, including polygraph examination.
Qualified candidates are invited to submit a resume to the City of Medicine Hat Human Resources Dept. Competition # 18180A Mailing Address: Suite 101, 505 First Street SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0A9; fax 403-525-8870; email
This posting will remain open until Monday, September 24, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. For more information click here.