Photo Radar Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions about photo radar include:

Is photo radar enforcement automatic or is it under operator control?

Photo Radar is a combination of both, it is an automatic system which triggers an image being taken when an excessive speed is detected by the photo radar system and each violation is reviewed by the operator for accuracy and other related variables.  Both the photo radar system and operators work together when enforcing speed limits in Medicine Hat.

How many photo radar vehicles are deployed throughout the city of Medicine Hat?

The unit utilizes two vehicles to monitor the various photo radar sites throughout the City. One of the vehicles is mainly dedicated to monitoring speeds within school and playground zones.

How are photo radar enforcement sites selected?

All sites are selected pursuant to the guidelines set out by the Province of Alberta. Photo radar sites are selected based on one or more of the following criteria:

·  high collision locations;

·  school and playground zones;

·  construction zones;

·  citizen concerns;

·  areas /intersections where conventional enforcement is unsafe or ineffective or a documented history of speeding

To view a complete list of photo radar site locations click here

Automated Traffic Enforcement Location Assessment

How do I get photo radar to set up on my street?

If you are concerned about speeding in your area of the community, you can report your concerns to the Traffic Unit Sergeant at 403 529-8471 or submit your concern via a Traffic Services Request form.

The Traffic Sergeant will review your concerns and follow up with you to discuss your concerns and determine if a photo radar unit will be deployed in your area.

How will I be notified of an offence?

A violation ticket will be mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Does someone review the photographs before motorists are ticketed?

Yes. Persons designated as peace officers in the province of Alberta operate the mobile photo radar vehicles. The operator is responsible for setting up and testing the equipment in the vehicle. The operator also observes and makes notes on each violation.  The operators review every image to verify that the vehicle is in violation and that the vehicle information is correct. Tickets are mailed to registered owners where it is clear that the vehicle committed a speed infraction.

If I receive a violation ticket what are my options?

You may plead guilty to the offence charged by mailing and voluntarily paying the amount specified on or before the appearance date indicated on the ticket OR plead not guilty. Once a ticket is issued to the registered owner, it becomes a Provincial Court matter. Options are listed on the violation ticket as to how you may address or contest the violation ticket.

Where can I pay for the ticket?

Tickets can be paid in person at any registry office or the Provincial Courthouse. You must bring your ticket with you when making a payment.  If you wish to mail your payment, follow instructions on your ticket and mail to the Provincial Traffic Production Center 601 5th Street SW, Calgary, AB T2P 5P7.  You may also pay your ticket online at  Service fees will apply at a Registry Office or if you pay online.

If I plead guilty to a photo radar offence, will I receive demerits against my driver’s license?

No. There are no demerit points associated to any automated enforcement tickets, as they are issued to the registered owner of the vehicle and not a specific person as the driver.

Does a ticket impact my insurance?

No.  Your driving record and your National Safety Code Profile are not affected by automated enforcement tickets.

Where does the money from Automated Traffic Enforcement go?

The Province of Alberta retains 41.67% of the total fine amount, 15% of which is directed towards Victim Services, and 26.67% is an administrative fee retained by the government.  The balance of the fine (58.33%) when paid is directed to the Municipal Government. If there is a late payment penalty attached to the fine, the province receives the surcharge amount associated.