1899-1999 Centennial Mural
For a more detailed explanation of the Centennial Mural see below *Where members are noted, they are noted by their current or retired rank. |
Mr. Marshall was given access to the police photo archive and were used by him to develop a concept. He put together a collage of photos that depicted the evolution of the Service from its inception in 1899. The committee approved the final draft of the mural and work began on the carving. The mural was placed within the Police building in front of a wall that was originally composed of glass block, and separated the lobby from the Criminal Investigation reception area. Under the direction and support of Chief Bill Spring (1992-1996), the Centennial Celebration Committee was formed in early 1996 to prepare for the 100th anniversary of the Police Service. Staff Sergeant Jack Lemire was asked by the Chief to chair the committee and oversee the projects that were to occur leading up to and including the centennial year of 1999. During one of the first meetings, there was discussion on a major project to be undertaken and would be the focal point of the centennial year. There was discussion about a centennial sword or centennial rifle, however during one of the meetings, the Chief of the Regina Police Service who was meeting with Chief Spring, attended a committee meeting as their Service had recently celebrated their centennial. This Chief advised that they had wanted to use a sword as a major project for Regina, but ended up on pre-selling only 6 units so the project was scrapped. He also suggested that with the current firearms laws, a rifle might also be met with extremely low response. It was a result of this input that the committee decided to undertake the creation of a mural, and that they would approach local artist, James Marshall to create the design. Mr. Marshall readily agreed and indicated that he would donate the original printing plate and 300 signed and numbered prints as his contribution to the centennial. With the assistance of IXL and Goodyear who contributed cash and material to the project, the process began.
Once the mural was complete, a date for the unveiling was set. The mural was unveiled by the son of Joseph McQueen a former Chief of Police for the Service (1940 to 1945) and Chief Eric Lloyd a long time member of the Service and Chief (1975 to 1984). At the unveiling, the donors were given a framed copy of the print as an appreciation of their support. The printing plate used to produce the numbered prints was cut down in size so that it could not be used to make additional copies and currently hangs in the lunchroom in the police building.
First Courthouse and Jail
This building was built in 1899 and was the area’s first courthouse and jail for Medicine Hat, N.W.T. It later housed the first police station. It was situated on the site of the current Legion building located at 702 2nd Street SE.
Original photograph (larger view) |
Joseph McQueen, 9th Chief of Police
This is a photograph of Joseph McQueen who was the 9th Chief of Police for the Service. Like most members employed during the war years, Joseph McQueen had ‘broken service’ with the department taking time out to serve his country during the first war. He started with the Service in 1912 and continued until 1915. After serving in the Canadian Forces, he returned to the Medicine Hat Police from 1919 to 1946. He was Chief of the Service from 1940 to 1945. This photograph is believed to have originated in 1920.
Sgt Joseph McQueen in 1924:Original photograph (larger view) |
Patrolling on horseback 1925
This is Constable Archibald Fisher using a horse to patrol the city. The Police Service employed Constable Fisher from 1922 to 1928. This particular photo is believed to have been taken around 1925.
Police Constables in the early days
Original photograph (larger view) |
LEFT: Constable James Sheward who served from 1913 to 1915 and again from 1918 to 1940. MIDDLE: Sgt. Joseph McQueen who started with the Service in 1912 and continued until 1915. After serving in the Canadian Forces, he returned to the Medicine Hat Police from 1919 to 1946. He was Chief of the Service from 1940 to 1945. RIGHT: This member has not been identified. The vehicle in the background was one of the first vehicles used by the police to do their duties. This photo is believed to have been taken around 1935.
Motorcycle Patrol
This is Sergeant Jim Cairney who was one of, if not the first member of the Service to have patrolled Medicine Hat on foot, horseback, motorcycle and then automobile. This photograph was taken in 1942. Sergeant Cairney had a 40 year career with the Service from 1928 to 1968.
Original photograph (larger view) |
Police station 1951 - 1965
This building served as the City’s police station from 1951 to 1965, after facilities in City Hall became outdated. The Provincial Court also occupied the 2nd floor of the building. The Canadian Coat of Arms that was displayed in the courtroom is now hanging in the lobby of the current police building after being discovered at a Stampede Grounds building when they were doing some cleaning. Retired Chief Eric Lloyd positively identified the artifact as being from this building. The Crown on the top of the artifact was broken off and had to be welded back in place. During the welding process, the heat used in the welding, burnt the paint off of the areas adjacent to the weld and as such was repainted before being hung in its current location. This building was situated along 1st Street SE where the current “Y” school is located.
Original photograph (larger view) |
Early Forensic Photographic Equipment
This photograph is a depiction of some of the early forensic photographic equipment that was used by our identification members. It was used to photograph fingerprints lifted from a crime scene. The member in the photograph is Sergeant Bob Pocsik who served between 1974 and 1999.
Record-Keeping in Policing
This photograph is of Inspector Keith Bennett. It is unknown exactly when the photo was taken. Inspector Bennett served between 1952 and 1983.
K-9 Unit formed in 1980
This photograph is of Inspector Rob Siegmund and Police Service Dog Smokey. Inspector Siegmund and Staff Sergeant Lou O’Reilly (and PSD Bandit) were the Service’s first K-9 members. The K9 unit was formed in 1980.
Original photograph (larger view) |
Police and children
This photograph is also of Inspector Keith Bennett and the child in the photograph is Paul Douglas. Paul is the son of Inspector Ron Douglas. It is unknown when this photograph was taken.
Traffic Unit and Photo Radar
This photograph is of Sergeant Bill McKenzie who served between 1932 and 1969. Sergeant McKenzie was in charge of the traffic unit of the Service for a lengthy period of time and can be seen in this photo using radar.
First Female Constable 1986
This photo was taken for a crime prevention promotion. It features the Police Service’s first female officer, Constable Brenda Fisk. Constable Fisk served actively with the Service from 1986 to 1994 when she went on disability as the result of an injury received while working. The children in the picture are Michael, Lianne and Lisa Jacobs. They were the neighbours of Sergeant Ron White who took the photograph during his tour as constable in the Identification section.
Original photograph (larger view) |
Transition from early days to current policing
This was a ‘staged’ photo for the mural purpose and was designed to show the transition from the early days to the current manner of policing the city. The participants are Constable Larry Dirk and Staff Sergeant Andy McGrogan. Cst. Dirk served between 1980 and 2006 and Andy McGrogan served as Chief of Police between 2008 and 2020.
Medicine Hat Police Service Colours
Click for larger view |
The Medicine Hat Police Service is one of the few municipal forces in Canada to have its own colours. The colours is a flag of a special design featuring the Service’s badge which was formally consecrated on January 13, 1999 during the Service’s Centennial ceremony.
When not in use during special ceremonies like parades, funerals or at the annual police ball the colours are stored in a special case at the police station.
Colours have a military origin as they were used when troops went into battle and needed a reference point to gather if they became disorientated or otherwise lost.
Chiefs of Police
Ten Year Service Medal
For the purposes of this award, full time service does not include any period of leave to serve with the Armed Forces or another agency, or organization unless the period was a developmental secondment approved by the Office of the Chief. In addition, it does not include any period of time that a police officer or peace officer was on a leave of absence for any reason.
If the periods of service are not continuous, each period of service is calculated to the nearest month, and the total service must meet or exceed 120 months. This medal may be awarded posthumously. The Office of the Chief may present the medal to a member at a Service Parade or other appropriate function as determined by the Office of the Chief.
The Medicine Hat Police Service 10 Year medal is described as:
- A circular medal,
- On the front of the medal is the Police Service Badge, granted to the Service by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and circumscribed with the Service motto;
“SERVING AND PROTECTING OUR COMMUNITY WITH PRIDE” - On the back of the medal is the City of Medicine Hat’s Coat of Arms
- The medal is suspended from a ribbon of five equal stripes, two red and three blue
Medicine Hat Police Service Coin
01.08.13The Service Coin, created in 2009, is a small medallion measuring 3.7 cm in diameter and is stamped on one side by the Service heraldic badge encircled by our core values on a blue background. On the obverse side is the City of Medicine Hat heraldic crest encircled by the “Medicine Hat Police Service” and our Service motto on a red background.
This Service Coin is intended to carry on the tradition as a means of recognition and appreciation to the recipient. The Coin is presented by the Office of the Chief to members, staff and deserving persons in recognition of contributions to the Service and Community.
Medicine Hat Police Service Time Capsule
Click for larger view |
The time capsule is a permanent fixture, located by the front reception counter in the lobby of the Service building, available for all staff and visitors to see.
Medicine Hat's First Murder
01.08.13The first murder at Medicine Hat was reported on July 9, 1885. After a
drunken argument about a horse race, Robert Casey was shot by Ben Hale
at about 9:00 p.m. at the Cully residence, a site near the present
airport. Commissioner Irvine reported the murderer had fled in the
direction of the boundary line with saddle and pack horse. Being dark,
it was impossible to follow him. The wounded man was carried to Medicine
Hat where he died on the morning of the 10th. The United States posts
along the boundary line were notified by telegraph of the route taken by
the murderer.
Sgt. Jones was dispatched to Benton, Montana, to get the murderer arrested by United States officials. Sheriff Healy knew where to find Hale but, being a practical man, would not interfere unless a reward was offered. Hale was therefore never apprehended.
According to the version of the Cullys, corroborated by Ben Hold and told to Rev. J.W Morrow, a couple of cowboys, Hale and McCauley by name, stopped in for a meal after delivering cattle to a rancher at Finn Lake. Casey, a proprietor of one of the early hotels in Medicine Hat, was present and he and Hale became involved in a drunken argument over a horse race they had a short time prior. Hale drew his gun and covered Casey, ordering him to put his hands up. Casey replied, “If you are going to shoot, wait until I get outside”. When outside, Casey said, “shoot me on my horse”. Hale told him to mount up. Casey mounted with his back to the horse’s head and in a spirit of bravado, he bared his chest and looking Hale in the eye, told him to do his worst and shoot. The words scarcely died on his lips when a spurt of flame leaped from the barrel of the six-shooter and Casey tumbled over.
Hale then went into the house with a gun in each hand. He started giving an exhibition of fancy shooting, knocking the lid off a kettle and finally hitting the pivot in the centre of the clock on which the hands went around. Saddling the best horse of two buckskins, he struck out south, ordering Cully to watch until he was out of sight before he went and reported to the Mounted Police.
Bylaw #8
18.09.13In 1885, with the outbreak of the Riel Rebellion, there was great concern and anxiety in Medicine Hat that the Blackfoot, Assiniboia, Prairie Cree and Sioux would join Reil and attack the town.
Medicine Hat, NWT 1884 |
A committee was formed to plan a defence which resulted in arguments and confrontations with the police as to the best line of defence against an attack. An engine was kept fired up day and night, ready to evacuate the women and children. Anxiety was relieved by the arrival of a company of Rocky Mountain Rangers, largely made up of cowboys and ranchers and later joined by a Regiment from the Maritime Provinces. A line of defence was constructed on the side of the hill by digging rifle pits and trenches. (The trenches remained visible until 1912 before being obliterated by the growth of the city.) The confederated Indian tribes hoped to get the powerful war-like Blackfoot tribes to join them and wipe out the whites from their territory. However, Chief Crowfoot, in his wisdom, realized the futility of doing battle against the whites and chose to remain loyal to the King. One can only surmise that if he had not, a disastrous battle would have ensued which would have been the bloodiest Indian battle in the history of North America.
The uprising ended suddenly and the Indians slowly returned to the reserves. For a while peace and quiet reigned – or as much peace and quiet as could be expected in a frontier town.
In 1899, however, citizens who were having a hard enough time receiving protection from drunken and rowdy men on the streets, were faced with another problem as the town was flooded by hobos and vagrants, nearly all of whom existed by robbing and pillaging. The NWMP, with only five members in the detachment, were unable to devote any time to keeping law and order in town. Therefore, the city fathers decided to create a position of Town Constable. A bylaw was drawn up outlining the duties of a combined Inspector-Heath-Officer-Policeman and read as follows:
Courthouse and Jail, Medicine Hat, NWT 1899 |
It shall be the duty of the Council of the Town of Medicine Hat to appoint one or more persons to the office of Inspector, Health Officer and Policeman.
“It shall be the duty of the said town and to perform such services as may be required by the chairman of the various committees in looking after and keeping in repair, all Town property and in looking after the cleaning up of all streets and to engage and keep the time of such labour as the said Council may direct.
To have charge of the Council Chamber, to keep the same clean and in an orderly condition and to attend the fire and lighting of the same when in occupation for Town purposes and to attend the meetings of the Council.
The said officer shall be allowed his reasonable disbursements for fuel, coal, oil and for cleaning the said Council Chambers.
The said officer shall have the right to enter into and upon any premises or places within the said town for the purpose of effectively performing the duties of his office and enforcing the bylaws.
The said officer shall have supervision over all persons to whom licenses are granted and make a thorough inspection of the premises sought by the licensed and shall make all enquiries relating to matters connected with the granting of licenses as may be required.
To assist at least once in every month and oftener, if necessary, all premises licensed by the town for the purpose of ascertaining whether the person licensed comply with the provisions of the bylaws governing licenser.
To carefully examine, when necessary, all chimneys, fireplaces, hearths, ovens, furnaces, boilers, stoves, steampipes, funnels, stovepipe holes, flues and all places where fires are made or kept on which ashes are kept and to enforce any bylaw which now or may hereafter become law, for the prevention of fires on the erection of buildings.
The said officer shall generally be under the direction and control of the Mayor or Chairman of the said Council for the time being.
The said officer shall be diligent and watchful to discover all nuisance matters and things likely to injure the health and be prompt in applying a remedy under the law.
To see to the arrest of all disorderly persons and generally to the maintenance of law and order in the Town.
Any person appointed to the above position shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council.
The salary of the said officer shall be the sum of fifty dollars a month and two suits of uniforms annually.
Dated and passed in council this 13th day of January, 1899.
Even Cops Are Human
18.09.13Sgt. Campey was charged for being under the influence of liquor and assaulting R.O’Neill in the Cosmopolitan Hotel when off duty. O’Neill himself was drunk and carrying a loaded revolver. Sgt. Campey was severely reprimanded.
Department photo 1918 |
- Sgt. A.A Johnston was charged for being drunk on duty and going off duty without permission. He was dismissed from the force.
- Cst. Graham was charged for entering a half breed’s tent at about 2:00 a.m. and insulting females therein. He was dismissed from the force.
- Cst. Lewis was charged after being found sleeping in the American Hotel when on duty. Third offence. He was ordered to resign.
- Cst. Lewis, charged leaving his employment as a Police Constable without proper notice. Fined $15 and costs by the Magistrate. Dismissed from the force by the Chief.
- Cst. Robertson, charged with Improper Conduct in trying to effect entrance to a young lady’s room in View Court about 1:00 a.m. and also demanding money from a prostitute. Dismissed from the force.
Confiscated still c1920 |
- Cst. Washford charged with drinking in a bar while in uniform. Dismissed from the force.
- Cst. Greengrove charged with assaulting a civilian. Dismissed from the force.
- Cst. Hitch charged with assaulting a prisoner in cells. Dismissed from the force by City Council.
- Cst. Northham and Cst. McLoughland were charged with assaulting a prisoner in cells. Suspended for 60 days by City Council. Cst. McLoughland resigned to join the Army.
- Cst. Jeske charged with drinking on duty and general incompetency. Dismissed from the force.
- Cst. Follett charged being under the influence of drinking while on duty at 2:00 a.m. Warned by the Chief.
- Cst. Follett charged drunk on duty at 7:00 p.m. Dismissed from the force. Was allowed to work a months notice at the Shell factory on pleading poverty and not having sufficient money to leave the city.
Department photo 1913 |
- Sgt. Groer charged Malicious Prosecution of Maurice Fefferman and highly improper conduct in dealing with CPR Cst. Smith and Stewart. Dismissed from the force.
- On July 10, 1913, Sgt. Campey made a complaint to council accusing Chief Bruce of official misconduct and misappropriation of bail and fine monies. A special committee was set up to investigate the charges. For his efforts, Sgt. Campey was suspended forthwith and dismissed when the Chief was exonerated on all charges.
The Great Canadian Cop Shop Robbery
In the past, stores and businesses used the police station as a week-end bank. Some business places would have the cash pile up on a Saturday night. Even though they might have safes in their stores, some store managers felt a police station was a more reliable spot to keep their money. After all, stores were broken into, but who could imagine a police station being robbed? And that was sound reasoning, right up until October 29, 1960.
Desk Constable Norm McLeod was on duty at 10 o’clock that night when Ron May, manager of the Co-op retail store, dropped off a fishing tackle box for safekeeping. He explained it contained over $25,000 in cash and cheques, he said- although a later audit proved there was approximately $44,000 in receipts.
This was a lot of money – especially in those days when you could buy a new house for one-quarter of that amount. It drew questions from police members as to the wisdom of accepting such a large “deposit” and leaving it sit under the front counter. There was some joking about it as well. Constable Lance Mayer, for example, commented in a conversation to Bill Plotsky- who was the office duty constable from midnight to 8:00 a.m. – that it was more money than a policeman could make in 10 years. Plotsky suggested Mayor take it with him and they would split it later. Mayer, of course, thought it was said in a jest.During the early hours of Sunday morning, Constables Ron Douglas, Ken Hall and Henry Jeske, while on lunch break, joked with Plotsky how easy it would be to rob the station with masks on, since Halloween was approaching. Douglas suggested Plotsky turn around and he would hit him on the head. Plotsky said that for that kind of money, a bump on the head might be worth it. Meanwhile, during the conversation, Jeske, while examining the box in the presence of others, inadvertently opened it. After looking inside, it was relocked and placed under the counter.
Cst. Jim Gehring, coming on duty at 8:00 a.m. the same morning, discussed with Plotsky how easy it would be to steal the money. Plotsky asked him if he would be interested in taking it and Gehring replied it could be so.
The following morning, Monday, October 31, just after midnight Cst. Ralph Raw walked into the office and found Plotsky lying on the floor behind the desk. He appreared to be unconscious and there was a slight contusion on the head behind the ear. Cst. Raw shook Plotsky to revive him. On awakening Plotsky told him he has been robbed. Raw immediately contacted Sgt. Cairney by radio. Plotsky repeated to Sgt. Cairney, that after taking a routine telephone report from the watchman at the Goodyear plant at 12:30 a.m., two masked men entered the office. The taller of the two, he said, was brandishing a snub nose revolver, probably a .38 calibre.
The tall man came to the front of the desk and his shorter companion went into the main office. Plotsky asked what was going on here and was told to turn around. He heard the click of the revolver, as if it was being cocked, so turned around. He could not see the shorter man in the main office nor remember being struck. The next thing he remembered was Cst. Raw shaking him. He went on to explain he never had a chance to offer any resistance as everything happened so fast.
He described the clothing and masks they were wearing and that the largest of the two did the talking, speaking in a muffled voice.
Sgt. Cairney listened patiently as Plotsky told his story of being robbed. He then drove him to the hospital, leaving him there to have his wound attended to. He did not, for a moment, accept the scenario that Plotsky was telling him. Being an experienced police officer, he had noted the dust stripes on Plotsky’s pants off the corrugated rubber mat ran parallel and even up to the pant leg, as though he had deliberately lain down rather than fallen to the floor. The contusion on his head appeared to have been caused by a sharp instrument rather than a blow.
When interviewed later by Chief Bull, Plotsky became indignant when it was suggested his story was not believed. He told Chief Bull he'd have to prove it.
Two days after the incident Plotsky was suspended. He resigned from the force a few days later. When he came to collect his severance cheque, he told Bull, “You’re the cat and I’m the mouse and it is up to you to catch me.”
The cat caught him 13 months after the incident when Cst. Gehring confessed and surrendered $4,290 to Calgary Police Officers, Det/Sgt. Gordon Gilkes and Sgt. A.R. Roberts. They were requested by Chief Bull to assist in the interrogation after it was suspected Gehring had been Plotsky’s accomplice.
Gehring said that around midnight, October 30th, he received a phone call at his home from Plotsky. As a result, he went to the station. When he arrived at the station, a police car was pulling out so he drove around the block and then returned. When he entered the station, a man was there filling out an accident form but left in a couple of minutes, leaving himself and Plotsky alone. Plotsky then handed him the box and said, “Here, get going with it, hit me over the head to make it look good”. Gehring refused saying, “No, I may hurt you.”
When he got outside with the box, he didn’t know what to do with it. He was scared stiff and drove around for awhile, then eventually drove to an area near the North West Chemical Plant, took some money and buried the box. A week later he told Plotsky where the box was buried. He had taken some money and Plotsky was offered the rest. There had been no prior arrangement to take the box, Gehring claimed, nor had he made any prior arrangement with Plotsky. He did not even know what story Plotsky was going to tell.
Misleading information contributed to prolonging the earlier conclusion of the investigation. Many members suspected Gehring was Plotsky’s accomplice but thought he had been eliminated by line up and polygraph examination.
A line up was held which included Gehring and all members of the Department. Guisseppe Toffolutti, who has been filling out the accident form and had seen a person walk into the back office just prior to the robbery viewed the lineup. The intent was to clear members of suspicion. Toffolutti, after viewing the line-up, said he knew all the persons as policemen but did not recognize or know the person who entered the station.
It was also believed Gehring had taken and passed a polygraph test, which all members voluntarily submitted to. The examination was conducted by Richard Walsh, the Sheriff of Flathead County, Montana, and a graduate examiner of the FBI. The polygraph, at the time, was in its infant stages of development. Some members were upset after submitting to the test, feeling they were asked too many questions of a personal nature unrelated to the theft.
The test was successful in that it indicated the members who had looked inside the box and had knowledge they were not disclosing.
Gehring, who was on a course in Calgary, feigned illness at the time of his testing by continually coughing. Unknown to most members he had not been examined. It was nearly a year later when the examiner returned to retest members who they felt were withholding information. It was the results of the test given Gehring that convinced the examiner Gehring had knowledge of the robbery. The intensified interview of Gehring followed which resulted in his subsequent confession to the Calgary Police Officers.
Both Gehring and Plotsky were charged with the theft in connection with the disappearance of the $44,000 in cash and cheques from the Police Station.
Gehring plead guilty before W.J.C Kirby and was sentenced to one year imprisonment. Plotsky plead not guilty and Justice Kirby heard his case. Plotsky emphatically denied any knowledge of the theft throughout his trial. Justice Kirby did not accept his evidence as being factual. He sentenced Plotsky to three years.
The Crown appealed both sentences. The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Alberta increased Plotsky’s sentence to five years and Gehring’s to three years.