Traffic Advisory - Over Dimensional Load Escort

The MHPS Traffic Unit will be conducting an over-dimensional load escort this morning commencing at 9:30am. The escort will be travelling from the west town limits of Redcliff, eastbound on Highway #1 to the east city limits of Medicine Hat. The escort is expected to take approximately one hour to complete so please plan your commute accordingly.

MHPS appreciates the motoring public's cooperation during these escorts and reminds motorists to obey all police officer, pilot vehicle and flag person's directions.


Injury MVC Maple Ave & 5th Street

Police are currently responding to an injury MVC at Maple Ave and 5th Street SE. Please avoid the area until further notice.


MHPS Response to Injured Deer

On September 13, 2019, at approximately 9:47 AM members of the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) received a call from Alberta Fish and Wildlife who were notified by a member of the public about an injured deer in the 500 block of 3rd Street NW. As Fish and Wildlife did not have officers available to respond they requested that the MHPS attend and assess the situation. Upon arrival, members found a young deer who had suffered extensive injuries, believed to be the result of a vehicle collision.

Officers observed one of the animal’s legs had been severed and two others were severely fractured. Due to the severity of the injuries, the officers determined the deer was mortally wounded and the most humane action would be to euthanize. As the deer was located in close proximity to multiple residences the use of a firearm was determined to not be an option. As such, the officer concluded that the safest way to end the animal’s suffering would be to use a knife.

Prior to proceeding, the officers attempted to contact surrounding residents to advise them of the occurrence, and placed a barrier to obscure the view from the public, as they understood it would be traumatic to any witnesses.

Once the animal was confirmed deceased, the officers removed the remains and cleaned the area. They once again reached out to neighbors to inform them of what had occurred in an effort to avoid further trauma.

The MHPS is aware of a video that is circulating on social media of this incident and understand that it is disturbing. The MHPS supports the actions of the involved officers, who took the matter very seriously and attempted to mitigate the trauma to the injured deer and the public as much as possible.

Media Contact:

Rita Sittler
Administrative Services Manager
Medicine Hat Police Service
PH; 403-529-8416



At about 11:39 pm on September 11, 2019 a lone male robbed the 7-11 convenience store situated on Carry Drive Southeast.  The male brandished a weapon and got away with an undisclosed amount of money and merchandise.  No one was injured during this incident and the matter is being investigated by the Medicine Hat Police Service's Major Crimes Unit.  


Injury Motor Vehicle Collision

At approximately 2 PM on September 9, 2019, members of the Medicine Hat Police Service attended to the intersection of 3 Street SE and 6 Avenue SE for a report of a motor vehicle collision involving a pedestrian.  A white GMC Sierra was travelling southbound on 6 Avenue SE and turned left on to 3 Street SE.  While making the turn the Sierra struck a pedestrian crossing 3rd Street SE.  The pedestrian was taken to hospital for treatment of minor injuries.  The driver of the truck has been charged with Failing to Yield to a Pedestrian.


Arson Investigation

On September 4, 2019 at approximately 5:00 AM, members of the Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) responded a residential structure fire on 4th Street SE. The fire caused extensive damage to the home, but no one was injured.

Members of the Medicine Hat Police Service Major Crime Section are working with investigators from the Medicine Hat Fire Service in an attempt to determine the cause of the fire. As this time, police are treating the investigation as an arson.

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact the MHPS at 403-529-8481 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800 -222-8477 (TIPS). Tips may also be submitted (anonymously if preferred) thru the MHPS Mobile App, which is free and available to download for both Apple and Android devices by searching ‘Medicine Hat Police Service’ on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Media Contact:

S/Sgt. Chad Holt
Major Crime Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8421


Meet the MHPS Community Safety Unit

The Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) Community Safety Unit (CSU) is dedicated to enhancing community policing through crime prevention programs, providing a visible presence in the schools and working cooperatively with school administration, staff, students and parents for a safe school environment.

The Unit is led by Sgt. Darlene Garrecht, and is comprised of two Community Liaison Officers and three School Resource Officers.

Cst. Marie Guerard and Cst. Keegan Clarke are the Community Liaison Officers. They act as the School Resource Officers for 27 schools, including all of the elementary and junior high schools. They also coordinate the delivery of the Encouraging Positive Informed Choices (EPIC) to students in Grades 4,6 and 8. EPIC was developed by MHPS members and focuses on teaching kids about healthy friendships, cyber safety, bullying, and the dangers of drugs, alcohol and tobacco use.

Cst. Marc Seiller, Cst. Jason Van Mulligen and Cst. Darryl Hubich are the three School Resource Officers For the 2019-2020 school year, Cst. Seiller is assigned to Crescent Heights High School, Cst. Hubich is assigned to Medicine Hat High School and Cst. Jason Van Mulligen is excited to be returning to McCoy High School, Notre Dame and St Marys.

The members of the MHPS CSU are excited for the school year to begin and look forward to connecting with the community! You can connect with MHPS CSU on Twitter @MHPSCommSafety.

For more information, or to reach a member of the MHPS CSU, contact Sgt Darlene Garrecht at 403-529-8451 or by email

Media Contact:

Sgt Darlene Garrecht
Community Safety Unit
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8451


Male in Distress

On September 4, 2019, at approximately 8:45 AM members of the Medicine Hat Police Service responded to the Food Bank following a report of an erratic adult male who may possibly be in possession of a weapon.

Upon arrival, police located the male who appeared highly agitated and verbally aggressive. The male was quickly removed from the grounds and taken into custody. The male was not found to be in possession of any weapons.

The male is believed to be suffering from mental health distress and possible use of street narcotics. The male will be held in police custody pending a welfare check by a physician. No criminal charges are pending from this incident.

Media Contact:

S/Sgt Kelsey Fraser
Patrol Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8461


Male Charged with Arson

On September 2, 2019, members of the Medicine Hat Police Service responded to two separate incidents of arson in the 600 block of 10 Street SE near Kingsway Avenue SE. On the first occasion, a small fire was observed and quickly extinguished by members of the Medicine Hat Fire Service.

Several hours later, police and fire responded to a second complaint of arson in the same vicinity. With assistance from the public, a 33-year-old male who was observed at the scene of both incidents was identified. After, further investigation there were reasonable and probable grounds to charge the male with; arson to property and possession of incendiary device. The male is in custody awaiting a bail hearing, and cannot be identified at this time.

There were no reported injuries resulting from either fire, which occurred in a green space area.

The Medicine Hat Police Service would like to thank the public for their assistance in this matter.

Media Contact

S/Sgt Ryan Thorburn
Patrol Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8461


Structure Fire Update

A structure fire was reported to Medicine Hat Regional 9-1-1 at 9:59 am, September 1, 2019 which has resulted in a multi-agency response.

Emergency Crews attended to the fire in the 400 Block of 21 St NE., Medicine Hat, and found that the fire was fully involved. At present, a Medicine Hat Fire Service Fire Investigator is on scene and will be conducting an investigation to determine the origin and cause of the fire.

Resources that responded to the scene included: City of Medicine Hat Utilities, Medicine Hat Fire Service, and Medicine Hat Police Service patrol members.

Support to the affected persons included the Medicine Hat Police Service – Victim Services Unit who specialize in trauma support in instances such as these. 

There are no reported injuries to the affected persons or fire fighters that responded.

Any media inquires are directed to the attention of the Medicine Hat Fire Service.


Sgt. Kesler

Patrol Team 2
