Citizen’s Police Academy

The Medicine Hat Police Service is now accepting applications from individuals interested in participating in a Citizen’ Police Academy (CPA). This outreach program is intended to provide community members with the opportunity to learn more about the MHPS, and gain an increased awareness of current policing issues and community safety concerns, through a series of lectures, hands on learning and practical demonstration.

The CPA will start on September 11, 2019 in the MHPS Community Boardroom and will run weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 9pm, for ten weeks. The final class will be held on November 13, 2019. The presentations, delivered by police personnel, will be interactive and provide insight into the diverse nature of policing, with topics including; an overview of uniformed operations, specialty teams, major crime investigation, community safety initiatives, and emerging crime trends.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and successfully pass a security clearance check. There will be no cost to register or participate. Class size will be limited to 20 participants. The Academy will conclude with an official graduation ceremony where participants who have successfully completed the program will be presented with a certificate.

Acknowledging the diversity of our community, and understanding that each sector of the community has its own unique policing needs, participants of the CPA will be selected to reflect the broadest possible range of individuals and efforts will be made to ensure a diverse class based on age, gender, ethnic or religious backgrounds. Participants who have an interest in police related issues or work alongside police are encouraged to apply. This includes; community leaders, police family members, members of the media and those interested in a career in law enforcement or future police volunteer opportunities. For those interested in learning more about policing as a possible profession this program could be helpful however the CPA is NOT intended to train people to be police officers and will not be considered as part of the MHPS recruiting and selection process.

For those interested in learning more or applying to participate, Sgt. Mike Fischer, Facilitator of the CPA, will have a booth at the MHPS Open House held on Saturday, June 08 from 11 AM until 3:00 PM or click here for more info. The application deadline for Fall CPA 2019 session is June 26, 2019.

For more information contact:

Sgt. Mike Fischer
Citizen Police Academy Facilitator
Ph: 403-529-8451

