Train vs Motor Vehicle Collision

On June 23, 2020 at approximately 0155hrs MHPS received a report of a train versus vehicle collision on the railway tracks in the open field near the 1200 block of 12 Street North West. Prior to police arrival, CP Rail advised that there were no occupants in the Dodge Durango at the time of the crash, this was as confirmed by MHPS upon their arrival following an area search. The Durango sustained extensive damage beyond repair and the reason the vehicle was in this location is still under investigation. This file has been turned over to the Canadian Pacific Police Service as it falls in their jurisdiction. MHPS and CP Police would like to caution all persons from going near the railway for obvious safety reasons.

As a reminder to pedestrians and motorists, it is an offence to operate a motor vehicle on park land contrary to Medicine Hat municipal bylaw. Additionally, it is against the law to enter railway property as specified under the Railway Safety Act and the Petty Trespass Act.
Patrol Staff Sergeant