The Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) in partnership with the Medicine Hat Police Commission is pleased to present the 2023 MHPS Annual Report.
The report includes a review of operational highlights and features key accomplishments in relation to the strategic priorities of, community safety, community engagement, service delivery, organizational wellness, and human resources. The report also celebrates the success of new initiatives such as the drone deployment program and the re-launch of the crime map in partnership with the City of Medicine Hat. Highlights also include the change of command ceremony for Chief Al Murphy as well as Inspector compliments and Chief’s commendations presented throughout the year.
Training was also a focus with the graduation of 15 cadets on March 17th. Upon gradation the cadets returned to their respective agencies at the MHPS, Lethbridge Police Service and Manitoba First Nations Police Service. In November, all MHPS staff attended a professional development day where Mr. Russell Garnett, Program Coordinator with the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC presented on “Defining Moments: Ethical Decision Making in Policing During the Holocaust” which challenged attendees to critically examine the role of individual choices, decisions made by police and the complexities of rationalization in response to orders not to intervene during Kristallnacht and further acts of atrocity and anti-Semitic legislation.
The 2023-2024 Business Plan identified five strategic priorities with a goal of enhancing community safety, strengthening community relationships, and ensuring that all employees and volunteers of the Service are provided with a respectful workplace founded on the MHPS core values. Through this work the benefit of staff training on the topic of cultural awareness was identified as an opportunity to enhance understanding and strengthen the skills of police and public safety professions who work directly and indirectly with different cultures. As such, all MHPS employees, sworn and civilian were required to complete a Cultural Awareness and Humility training module, which introduced the concept of cultural humility, the benefit of valuing diverse perspectives, and highlighted cultural competence as a means of effectively interacting with people across cultures to promote positive partnerships.
To view the entire report, visit the MHPS website.
For more information contact:
Rita Sittler
Business Services Manager
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: 403-529-8416