Male Charged with Kidnapping

A 39-year-old man has been charged with kidnapping and sexual assault after a woman was held against her will.

In the early morning hours of March 2, 2025, a woman was approached by an unknown man who offered her a ride home. The man was driving a vehicle with an Alberta license plate. After repeatedly declining his advances, the woman eventually accepted the ride.

Once inside the vehicle, the man made unwanted sexual advances toward her. Instead of following the woman’s directions, the man drove onto the Trans-Canada Highway. The woman made several attempts to convince him to stop, eventually trying to physically force him to let her out. The man ignored her pleas and continued driving on the highway before turning into a residential area at a high rate of speed.

The victim was later picked up by family, who contacted police. The suspect’s vehicle was located a short time later leading to the arrest of the suspect.

Resulting from this investigation, Solomon Weldemichael, of Brooks, AB has been charged with Kidnapping and Sexual Assault. Weldemichael was held for a bail hearing and released with conditions. He is due to appear in court on March 18th.

Media Contact:

Acting S/Sgt. Darren Lole
Criminal Investigation Section
Medicine Hat Police Service
Ph: (403) 581 1061