Shootout on Aberdeen

It would have been a scene out of a Mack Sennett Keystone Kop Komedy if it hadn’t had its tragic overtones.

It was of course, the Great Aberdeen Street Shootout, and before it was over Raymond Maxwell Bradley faced 12 charges in court ranging from attempted murder (of two police constables- Roy Funk and Clayton Stobbs) to three charges of stealing police revolvers- from policemen.

One thing the Great Aberdeen Street Shootout did prove was the need for police training in at least two fields – (1) procedure to follow in hostage situations, and (2) SWAT team operations.

It all began when police responded to a call at the Savings Centre Grocery, 391 Aberdeen Street, to investigate a break and enter in the early hours of the morning on July 26, 1969.

Entrance of Aberdeen Savings Centre Grocery scene of shootout
     Culprits car with safe in back

Constable Flinn was the first officer to arrive on the scene. He was confronted by Raymond Bradley and Victor Roeder, a local resident, who were armed with a shotgun and .22 rifle. Flinn was forced to surrender his handgun and was taken hostage by the two gunmen. As back-up police officers arrived on the scene they too surrendered their guns and became hostages.

It has to be appreciated this took place prior to any training being implemented in hostage-taking incidents and before the establishment of specially-trained tactical teams. Five police officers were taken hostage as well as six civilians, who inadvertently walked into the situation. Two teenagers, Grant Fox, 17, and Pat Henry, 18, were driving down the street when they saw the police cars. Realizing there was trouble the driver slammed on the brakes but before he could put it in reverse they were confronted by a man with a gun who demanded they get out of the car. The other civilians became involved in a similar manner and were ordered from their cars by a man with a shotgun and pistol. They were told by the gunmen they would not be hurt, that they just wanted to shoot some policemen and get even with the police for kicking them around. During this little chit chat, a gun was pointed at Grant Fox’s abdomen and another at his head and they demanded a cigarette.

A few minutes later, as Raymond Bradley was hollering, “shoot the screw, you can’t hang for it”, Victor Roeder held the barrel of a handgun to the neck of Constable Funk and while shouting, “I am scared”, pulled the trigger. The bullet traveled up through Cst. Funk’s mouth and exited out the right side of his jaw and blowing the cap off Cst. Flinn’s head. As he crumbled to the pavement, Cst. Funk heard Roeder shouting, “I didn’t hit him.”

Cst Flinn points out bullet hole in his cap to Cst Groft

A moment later, Bradley, in possession of Cst. Stobbs’ handgun, placed the barrel against Stobbs’stomach and pulled the trigger, which fell on an empty chamber. Cursing the gun for misfiring, he aimed at a police car and fired a shot through the window, swung around and aimed at Cst. Funk, who was lying on the sidewalk with his head resting against the building, holding the bullet wound in his neck. Bradley fired a shot. The bullet smashed the wrist watch of Cst. Funk’s left wrist, traveled through the wrist, shattering the bone and penetrated the plate glass window behind his head.

Chief Drader, who lived within a half block of the scene was aroused by a phone call. On arrival at the scene, he attempted to secure the release of other hostages by offering to be a hostage for their escape. (Editor’s note: Modern procedure would not allow this. You never give up your weapon nor do you exchange one hostage for another). His offer was refused and he joined the others at gunpoint. He tried to convince Bradley and Roeder to release Cst. Funk to paramedics as he was in excruciating pain. His plea was to no avail.


Sgt Lloyd indicating shotgun slugs and
bullet holes in the side of the culprits car
    Sgt/Det Brink points to one of many bullet holes in police car

At about this moment, Sgt. McLeod arrived on the scene, parked his car at the intersection and commenced moving towards the large group when on an order from Bradley, Roeder started running toward McLeod, firing with two handguns. As he ran across the intersection, Sgt. McLeod returned the fire. At this time, Cst. Onslow arrived, followed by Sgt. Brink. Roeder stopped behind a small tree and was attempting to take careful aim at Sgt. McLeod. Cst. Onslow, in possession of a shotgun, fired twice at Roeder, one shot hitting him in the upper chest, killing him instantly. An autopsy later proved that Sgt. McLeod’s Bullets had struck Roeder three times. One grazed his head, one hit him in the upper thigh and one struck a finger on the right hand.

Victor Roeder fatally shot in running gun battle with police

Bradley, who was holding the hostages at gunpoint, told them if his buddy got killed they were all dead. However, after he realized Roeder was probably dead, he released the civilian hostages, telling them to “get the hell out”. He held the police officers, threatening to kill them and Cst. Funk, who was still lying wounded on the sidewalk.

Chief Drader managed to talk Bradley into releasing the other hostages in exchange for himself as hostage and driver of a getaway car.

Leaving the scene in a police car, Chief Drader accompanied Bradley to the flats area where they picked up Bradley’s wife, Janet and his father-in-law.

After a period of about twenty minutes the four drove back to the scene, Bradley wanting to learn about Roeder’s welfare. At the scene the Chief managed to escape, using the father-in law as a ruse. They both ran, leaving Bradley abandoned in the police car with his wife.

Chief Drader had taken the keys from the car when he made his dash to escape. Bradley, finding himself surrounded by police with no avenue of escape, surrendered when promised he would be protected from harm while in custody.

The original charges were withdrawn and on February 9, 1970, Bradley entered guilty pleas to Robbery with Violence and Cause Bodily Harm with Intent to Wound. He was sentenced to 4 ½ years, concurrent on each charge. He was paroled August 6, 1971. Seventeen years later there is no record of him appearing before the courts again.


Of Mice and Men

There was never a guarantee a conviction could be gained in a drug case, even if the perpetrator (a TV crimes series word, seldom used by real cops) was caught red-handed with the goods. This was proven in a case here and it’s surprising it hasn’t wound up on one of two TV programs “Bloopers” or “Life’s Embarrassing Moments”.

Police Station 1965

It all started when a Joint Force Operation Unit executed a search warrant at a local residence. A large quantity of marijuana was seized and two persons arrested and charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking - on the surface a cut and dried case.

Provincial Court, at the time, was in the police station. An attached double-wide trailer served as the Court offices and it was here where the drug exhibits were stored.

When the JFO Unit went to claim their drug exhibits for the preliminary hearings a shocking discovery was made. The boxes containing all the drug exhibits were leaking marijuana as the clerk brought them to the counter. Checking inside the boxes, police found everything had been chewed by mice- the baggies of drugs, the markings on the bags and the “Certificates of Analysis” had the most important parts eaten right out of them.

Two questions immediately came to mind: Could these be specially- trained anti-drug enforcement mice, or somewhere, in the Court Office exhibit vault were there two or more fat, lazy, long-haired mice with bloodshot eyes and an uncommon desire to eat junk food?

The JFO Unit was enraged.

The case was lost.

Phones at the Justice Department office in Edmonton lit up with calls from Medicine Hat.

As the local department explained their predicament, short constrained grunts of snickering - yes, even outright laughter - could be heard from the other end of the line. The Justice Department staff tried to calm things down and guaranteed such an incident would never happen again.

The next day Grant Rombough, the Federal Drug Prosecutor, received a memorandum from the Court House staff member which read:

SUBJECT: Regina vs. Herrick, or, Ode to Prosecutor

“Oh, the Pot was stored in the courthouse vault
And the vault was closed for the night,
When out of a hole came a little brown mouse
To dance in the pale moonlight.
He ate up the Pot(exhibit #1) and the certificate of
Analyses (exhibit #2) and exhibits #3 through 33 in the
Courthouse vault.
And in the vault he sat,
And all through the night you could hear him shout,
“Bring on the goddam cat!”


Crime on the Rise

Crime escalated with the affluent rise of the seventies and early eighties. Some of the more interesting and violent crimes the Force had to contend with were:

Department photo 1970

On February 11, 1973 Police were called to a local residence over a family dispute between a 39 year-old husband, his wife and stepson. The couple had spent the evening drinking in the bar and on arriving home an argument took place. The stepson, 17, intervened on behalf of his mother. The stepfather threatened to kill him. Police persuaded the husband to leave the home for the night. He agreed to stay at a hotel and was driven there by police. He booked out a few minutes later and returned home in a taxi. He spoke to his wife who had been sleeping and she told him to go to bed. The husband said he was going to get a drink, but he went downstairs where his stepson was sleeping and brutally struck him seven times on the head and neck with a large pipe wrench, killing the boy as he slept. Ronald MacMillan was sentenced to 10 years (later lowered to six years on appeal) for killing Stuart MacMillan.

Less than two weeks later a 26-year-old father of two children phoned police saying his little boy had just died. On arrival the father told police the boy, aged two, had fallen down the stairs after he had been spanked by the father. Subsequent investigation proved the child had not fallen, but had received a severe beating which caused internal bleeding, resulting in death. The father stated he became aggravated with the child because he refused to remain in bed. The father spanked the child with a belt, leaving impressions of the belt buckle on the child’s body. He also beat him with a stick. A short while after the severe beating the child died in the home. The father was sentenced to five years.

On March 10, 1973, following a three-day drinking spree, the body of a semi-nude woman was found near a shack on the eastern edge of the city. The body showed signs of having received a severe beating prior to death. Investigation revealed that at about 10:00 p.m. the night before the woman’s common-law husband came to the shack and dragged her outside. A witness in the house heard them arguing, with the man saying he would kill her. This was the last time the woman was seen until her body was discovered the next morning.

A search of the city was made and the common-law husband could not be found. A charge of murder was laid against him and permission was granted for a Canada Wide Warrant. At 1:47 p.m. on March 10 a “Want” was entered on CPIC and at 10:30 p.m. that same day he was arrested by the Golden, B.C. RCMP after checking two hitchhikers on the Trans-Canada Highway. Robert Henry Rowe was convicted of assault causing bodily harm and sentenced to three years.

Recruit class 1975

Police received a call to attend Rud’s Shell Service on the Trans-Canada Highway on Aug.22 at 4:32 a.m. On arrival the attendant, a 17-year-old youth, was found lying in a large pool of blood behind the office counter. He had received severe skull lacerations which later resulted in his death.  It was also apparent a robbery had taken place. One hour later three persons, two males and one female from Eastern Canada, were apprehended and charged. The charge against the female was withdrawn. Both males, Richard Denommoe, 23, and Allan Parker, 20, were sentenced to life. They were returned to Ontario to face another robbery and murder charge and received a second life sentence.

An interesting case was concluded in 1977 when the supervisor of maintenance at the General Hospital plead guilty to charges of fraud and theft under $200. Investigation had proven he received payments from a local contracting firm in return for recommending the company for some hospital construction work. It was also revealed that he requisitioned electrical equipment for his private use. The Judge said it was an obnoxious affront to the standard of conduct the public expects of its servants. He sentenced the supervisor to nine months imprisonment.

To prove computers are human too, a city bank made an error in the computer and deposited $8,000 into a local cowboy’s account. This particular account had, a week prior, been standing at “nil”. The cowboy received his statement and learned of his unexpected windfall. He withdrew $5,000 from his account and left town for an enjoyable weekend in Calgary. One week later he returned home, broke. He told investigating officers, once his friends knew he had money they stopped drinking beer and started drinking whiskey. After his brush with the law, he made regular payments to the Bank.

Recruit class 1979

After being involved in a slight car accident and fearing he would be checked by police, a man fatally shot himself while parked in the hospital parking lot. It was later learned he had murdered his wife’s grandfather in Ontario, stolen his truck then driven to Medicine Hat searching for his wife who was living common-law with another man at one of the local motels. From evidence later found, there was no doubt it was his intention to find his wife and murder her and her boyfriend.

In the early morning hours of July 25, 1978, a young Medicine Hat woman lay sleeping in an upstairs bedroom of her home. By chance, she was the only occupant of the home, her young daughter having spent the night with her grandmother. The woman was abruptly awakened by the sound of breaking glass, to which she instinctively reacted by hiding under her bed. A short time later she was able to see a man, in possession of a gun, enter her room.

Recruit class 1980

The intruder went on a rampage, yelling and uttering threats as he searched the house. The terrified woman was able to reach from beneath the bed, pull a telephone from a night table and take it under the bed. She then called the police. Members of the patrol division responded to the call, quickly surrounding the home. Two patrol members were able to position themselves in the front and rear porches of the home and within minutes of receiving the original complaint were able to break open a door and apprehend the suspect. Along with the suspect was found a sawed-off twelve gauge shotgun as well as a considerable amount of ammunition.

A very frightened but grateful young lady was found still hiding under her bed listening to words of encouragement being offered to her over the telephone by a police dispatcher. After a three-day trial the accused was found guilty by a jury and sentenced to five years imprisonment.

Medicine Hat Police K9 Team

On September 24, 1980 a drug addict shot a small time drug trafficker in the head while visiting the victim’s home. The victim, bleeding profusely, was placed into a vehicle and dumped in a dugout about 30 miles north of the city. A massive police hunt by land, air and water failed to locate the body. Two members training their police dogs in Montana arrived with their whole class, including dogs, to assist in the search, but to no avail. The victim was found by duck hunters three weeks after he disappeared. John Allan Glenn was later arrested and plead guilty to manslaughter. He was sentenced to seven years.  

Responding to a call at 5:17 a.m. on July 29, 1984, in the 700 block of 10th Street SE. They found a Deluxe Cab driver, Kenneth Spoonheim, age 57, had been stabbed to death. Investigators learned that a few nights previous the taxi driver had picked up a young man in the area who had been carrying a knife in a sheath attached to his belt. An effort was made to identify him and his description was broadcasted. The same day, at 5:20 p.m., information was received that a person answering the description was seen coming out of the creek bottom near IXL Industries. A 21-year-old youth from Ontario was located on #41 Highway and found to be in possession of a hunting knife in a black leather sheath. He later confessed he had been in Medicine Hat for about two weeks and admitted stabbing the taxi driver. Edward Allen Hansford, age 23, was sentenced to life imprisonment with no parole for 10 years. 

In September, 1984, three youths became involved in a verbal altercation with a local resident in the lane between Bridge and Elm Street. The resident then followed the youths to a residence on Bridge Street and struck Gregory McCulley, 18, on the head with a baseball bat. McCulley suffered a depressed skull fracture and was hospitalized until he succumbed to the injury in February, 1988. 

The case was made difficult by the involvement of a number of people who helped the assailant in his escape and by their attempted destruction of evidence. However, in May, William Gamble (a.k.a Jewell), 34, was convicted of aggravated assault and sentenced to 4 ½ year imprisonment. Seven other persons were charged with obstruction and aiding and abetting the aggravated assault. 

Serving the Community with Pride

In June of 1987 Daniel Gingras, a serving prisoner on a murder charge, escaped from an unarmed guard while on a day pass from Edmonton Maximum Institute. At approximately the same time Calvin Smoker, charged with a murder in the Edmonton-Ponoka area, was released on bail.  

Gingras fled to Quebec. He returned with a male companion who was later found murdered. Gingras and Smoker were subsequently charged with the offence. 

Gingras and Smoker, accompanied by two females, arrived in Medicine Hat on August 14. They began to case a number of places to rob, specifically bingo halls. However, because of the large crowds abandoned this idea. 

At about 7:30 p.m. they abducted 25-year-old Wanda Lee Woodward as she approached her vehicle at the Southview Mall. She was driven to a gravel pit, left bound and tied inside their vehicle, while they left in her vehicle and robbed the Division Avenue Safeway store. 

They returned to the gravel pit, abandoned Woodward’s vehicle, and drove south on the Black & White Trail to a point where they murdered her. Cause of death was ligature strangulation. 

An extensive investigation by Medicine Hat City Police, Edmonton City Police and RCMP resulted in the arrest and charges of robbery and murder being laid against Gingras and Smoker. Gingras has received life and at time of writing, Smoker’s case was still before the courts.


Current Canine (K9) Police Service Dogs

Cst. Garreth MacPherson and PSD Bronx

PSD Bronx was born in Slovakia in December of 2022.  Cst. MacPherson and PSD Bronx completed training in June of 2023.  Bronx is trained as a General Duty dog.  Cst. MacPherson has been with the MHPS for 13 years and is excited to be a member of the K9 Unit.


Cst. Jean-Paul Guerra and PSD Frezer

PSD Frezer was born in Hungary October 2023. Cst. Guerra and PSD Frezer completed their training in September 2024.  Cst. Guerra has been a member sof the MHPS since January 2020.





Police Information Checks

To apply for a Police Information Check online - click here

     Costs and Payment Options     
     Other Services Available     
     Questions and Answers     
     Download the Brochure and Forms


What is a Police Information Check?

A Police Information Check (PIC), is a detailed criminal and police history, or a confirmation of the absence of any information, based on the personal information provided.  The results will be provided on a Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) certificate letter.  This check is based solely on Canada-wide information.



What Systems Are Searched For PIC's?

The MHPS uses three search mechanisms: 


  • Versadex - Local records of the Applicant’s involvement with the MHPS
  • J.O.I.N. - the Alberta court system (Justice Online Information Network)
  • C.P.I.C. -the Canadian Police Information Center system and RCMP National repository in Ottawa  

This Police Information Check only provides information found at the time of the check, on the above listed systems.  The MHPS does not guarantee completeness of the information, as we are limited to information available on these systems.  This check does not include information found in any other jurisdiction’s local police information systems; nor does it include court information of any other province(s), except convictions registered on the National Repository for Canada. 


Requirements To Obtain a PIC 

Please note that Vulnerable Sector Searches will only be completed for local residents.  If you are not a Medicine Hat resident you need to contact the police agency in your local area.


Individuals over the age of 18 years may apply online here or may attend in person to the MHPS, 884 2nd Street SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta.  Individuals under the age of 18 years must apply in person. 

Two pieces of government identification must be provided, including both name and date of birth, such as:

One Picture I.D. such as Provincial Drivers Licence, Passport, Citizenship Card, Motor Vehicles Registry Photo ID card, Native Status Card or PALS. 


One other I.D. such as Birth Certificate, Alberta Health Care Card, or Immigration Documents.  (Social Insurance Cards are not acceptable as they do not include date of birth)

Volunteers do not receive wages, compensation, goods or services.  Course acceptance, work, field or practicum placements do not qualify as volunteers.

Police Information Check Disclosures 

Criminal Records - Adult and Youth (includes  indictable, dual procedure and summary conviction offences) 
Pending and outstanding charges 
Outstanding warrants for arrest Canada-wide 
Police Files / Information Reports 


Relevant occurrences* 

Records of not criminally responsible by reasons of Mental Disorder pursuant to s. 16(1)cc (disclosed if relevant)*
Judicial Orders while in effect: probations, prohibitions, peace bonds**, restraining orders and recognizance conditions
Vulnerable Sector Records (pardoned sex offender) 
Stay of Proceedings for one year period** 
Absolute Discharges for one year period** 
Conditional Discharges for three year period** 
Alternative Measures for one year period***

 *relevancy refers to the protection of persons, property and any information that could cause an individual or organization, concerns for the safety of individuals, employees or volunteers. 
**period commences from the date of sentencing 
***period commences from court confirmation of disposition completion


Please note: The online Police Information Check accepts various forms of payments including debit cards.  However, some debit cards may not work.  It is recommended to pay with credit card.

**See below fee table for other services**


How Long Will Processing Take?

Under normal circumstances, your Police Information Check Certificate will be available from the MHPS in 7 business days.  (This includes the intake day.) However, during peak times processing time may be longer. 



Where Else Can a PIC Be Obtained?

In Medicine Hat, the Medicine Hat Police Station, located at 884 2nd Street SE, is the only location at this time.  Out of town residents must obtain their PIC at a local police agency in the area where they reside. 

Will My PIC Information Be Sent To Other Agencies? 

No.  All Police Information Checks will be disclosed by way of certificate directly to the applicant at our office.  Any questions and concerns will be answered fully at the time of the disclosure. 


Waiving fees for Indigenous Peoples to reclaim their Indigenous name



What Other Services are available? 

Service  Fees 
Police Information Checks – All Including . Business & Pawn Shop License .
Taxis License . Pardons . US Waiver . Immigration . Private Investigators
and Security Guards . Locksmith Licensing 

$65 (GST exempt) online applications

$75 (GST exempt) in person

Police Information Checks for Practicum Students

$50 (GST exempt) online applications

$60 (GST exempt) in person

Reclaimed name under Truth & Reconciliation Commission Call to Action 17

FREE (must produce a secure certificate of Indian Status (Status Card) and complete the Reclaimed Name Eligibiltiy For Free Waiver form below

Police Information Checks – Volunteers do not receive wages, compensation,
goods or services. Course acceptance, work, field or practicum placements do
not qualify as volunteers 


$15 (GST exempt)

For persons applying at the front counter – volunteer letter from the agency is required – dated not longer than two weeks from the date of application and pen and ink signature from an agency representative

LiveScan submissions (required when unable to clear vulnerable sector search)  $25 (GST exempt)
Fingerprinting physical copy $50 per set (GST exempt)
Fingerprinting electronic copy $75 per set (GST exempt)
Police Collision Reports and/or Data Reports  $40 (plus GST) 
Police Photographs  $50 (plus GST) 
Police Videos  $50 (plus GST) 
Traffic Analyst/Reconstruction Report – Final Report $2,360 (plus GST) 
Traffic Analyst/Reconstruction Report – Rough Draft  $200 (plus GST) 
Escort Services – Background inquiry - Not available online. $75 (plus GST) 
Extra Duty Police Officers ($120.00 deposit required)  $120 per hour/per officer (plus GST) 
Moving Permits Where police vehicle required (Minimum 3 hours and 2 vehicles)  $110 per hour/per vehicle (plus GST) 


***No refunds provided*** 


Medicine Hat Police Service
884 2nd Street SE
Medicine Hat, Alberta 

Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm 

Police Information Coordinator:
phone: 403-502-8916 

Questions and Answers

 What does it mean if my Certificate is stamped with “Please note that the Medicine Hat Police Service does not have access to Police Records in some jurisdiction(s) that this individual has resided in during the previous five years"

A- The application form that you complete will ask for your current address, and any other location that you have resided in for the past 5 years.   The stamp is an indicator that that Medicine Hat Police Service does not have access to background information in some jurisdictions.  

Q- What if I need more than one Certified Certificate? 

A- At regular fee costs, you are entitled to one Certificate at the time you make the application.  If you require numerous copies for resume’ purposes, photo copy the Certificate and instruct the organization that the original is available for review. 


Q-  What is a Vulnerable Sector Records search? 
A-  When a person receives a record suspension, their criminal convictions are sealed and not available, even to Police and the Courts.  The only exception is for sexual offence convictions that are contained within the record suspension.  During a Vulnerable Sector Records search, if the applicant has the same gender and date of birth as an individual(s) whose information is contained within the Vulnerable Sector database, police will only be notified that there is a matter of interest that may assist in the screening of the applicant.  The applicant will be asked to provide their fingerprints so that an electronic search can be completed.  If the applicant has received a pardon for a sexual offence, the RCMP must then seek approval from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General for permission to notify the police of the match.  Once the police have been notified, they would speak with the applicant and ask them to sign a consent form to notify the agency they are wanting to work for of this past occurrence.

Q- Will I be required to provide my fingerprints in order to get a vulnerable sector check?
A- Only cases where the applicants gender and birth date match that of someone who has received a record suspension.  In this case, fingerprints are submitted electronically so they can be checked against the individuals in the secure data base.  Results of this check will be reported back to the Police Service.  The fingerprints are used for comparison purposes only and are destroyed when the check is completed.


Click below to download the Brochure and Forms

Alberta Police Information Check Disclosure Procedures

Reclaimed Name Eligibility For Fee Waiver form



Victim Assistance Volunteer Opportunities

Are you interested in joining a dynamic team of volunteers and give back to the community while assisting victims of crime?  We presently have several opportunities that may interest you!

Lives can be changed forever by crime and tragedy. Our passionate highly trained volunteers provide invaluable contributions in the healing process of victims experiencing trauma.

Victim Assistance is recognized as an essential service by the Government of Alberta and we currently have openings in the following areas:


Crisis Support

Offer emotional and practical post-incident follow up support and provide services that include:

  • peer support
  • referrals to community resources
  • information about the justice system process


In-Station Office Support

Provide information services to clients who attend MHPS which can include offering court updates, information about justice programs, and assisting victims with application forms.


Court Support

Provide court preparation, orientation and support for witnesses during trials.  Update victims regarding court decisions and outcomes when required.


If you are interested in effecting positive change in the lives of others by volunteering with MHPS Victim Assistance and would like more information about the required commitment and availability click here.


Download the VA Volunteer application form here.

Complete the application and save/export it to PDF.  Once complete, email the application to:






Reaching out ... To You

We offer SUPPORT

  • Comfort and Reassurance
  • Home/Hospital Visits
  • Court Appearance
  • Bereavement
  • Post Trauma
  • Victim's Family


  • Victim Impact Statements
  • Court Orientation
  • Financial Benefits Program
  • Home Security Prevention
  • Robbery Trauma
  • Funeral Arrangements
  • Crime Prevention
  • Restitution


  • Counseling Agencies
  • Social Services
  • Crown Prosecutor's Office
  • Medical Assistance
  • Support Groups

More On Victim Assistance in Canada

ACJ Net Canada: Search for "Victims of Crime"

Government of Alberta: Victims of Crime Act


Police Recruiting

NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POLICE RECRUIT TRAINING.  Deadline to apply is May 1, 2025.  To learn more about the Medicine Hat advantage click here

Candidates either do or do not possess the minimum requirements for employment in the Province of Alberta.  The Solicitor General has set out expected minimum standards and there are no exceptions. They are enumerated as follows:

Age:  At least 18 years old
Education:  Alberta Grade 12 or equivalent (Certificate Required)
Citizenship:  Proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent residency.
Driving History:  Driver’s abstract dated within one month of application. More than five (5) demerit points disqualifies applicant.
Criminal History:  Applicants shall not have a criminal record for which a pardon has not been granted (proof
of pardon required). Applicants shall not have any criminal charges before the courts.
Vision:  Meet the minimum vision requirements approved by the Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security. Applicants must submit a vision report (Included in Employment application along with standards)

AB Supplemental Vision Forms


The following ten competencies are those the applicant must possess and bring to the job.


Ability and confidence to vary between being flexible and holding firm on a decision, depending on what the situation requires; showing leadership by adjusting one’s approach to the demands of a particular task or by taking and maintaining a position in a self-assured manner.

The degree to which someone is honest; has integrity; accepts responsibility for their actions; has high ethical standards; earns the trust of others by consistently demonstrating sound moral principles; does the right thing; reliably fulfills commitments through self-discipline and sense of duty.

Initiative/ Perseverance
Willingness to take action to address needs without being requested to do so; staying on task to completion, particularly in the face of obstacles or other trying circumstances.

Interpersonal Skills
Ability to work effectively with different people and teams of people, by putting others at ease, acknowledging diverse opinions, addressing relevant concerns, minimizing conflict, promoting harmony, cooperating with others, and working toward consensual solutions to achieve group objectives.

Judgment/ Problem Solving
Ability to assess situations and problems; identify possible actions/solutions; and make sound decisions based on facts, logic, and probable outcomes.

Ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills on the job; to observe, remember, and recall significant information and events (e.g., people, vehicles, facts, suspicious behavior, environmental details, etc.)

Organization Skills
Ability to identify and set priorities; to plan and effectively allocate resources; to attend to details so that relevant issues are addressed and high quality outcomes result.

Stress Management
Ability to work well under pressure; maintaining effectiveness and self-control in the midst of any one or combination of stressors, including emotional strain, ambiguity, risk to self, and fatigue.

Valuing Service & Diversity
Sensitivity to client and community needs and perceptions by providing prompt, efficient and equitable service; involving clients and community in the resolution of problems that affect them.

Verbal & Written Communication Skills
Ability to communicate in both oral and written form, including giving (speaking and writing) and receiving (listening and reading) information, in a way that ensures messages are understood.


In Alberta the recruiting process is an eight step process which tests an applicant’s suitability for employment as a police officer.  As such,  testing for the required competencies is completed in the form of psychological testing,  academic testing,  medical and fitness testing.


STAGE 1 – Application Process
Completed Application Form and Personal Disclosure Form (PDF) submitted and screened to confirm all
documents present and minimum criteria met.  Applications that are not complete will not be accepted. 

Applications can be submitted online via this link Police Employment Application


STAGE 2 – Pre-Interview Assessment
Alberta Police Cognitive Abilities Test (APCAT), the Alberta Communications Test (ACT) and the Physical Fitness Evaluation are conducted during this stage.  The APCAT and ACT are written in one day.  Applicants meeting the cut score on the APCAT (84 out of 120) and the ACT (73 out of 134) proceed to the Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police (A-PREP).  Correspondence setting out the date, time and location of the written tests as well as the separate date of the Physical Fitness Evaluation are sent out to applicants passing the criteria of Stage One.

The Alberta Police Cognitive Abilities Test is a job-related written examination.  Applicants are given a Pre-test booklet during the examination and are allowed to study it for 30 minutes.  The Pre-test booklet is then removed and the test is administered over the next two hours and fifteen minutes.  The result of this test is valid for
five years. Retest Waiting Period – Candidates may rewrite the APCAT if they did not achieve the cut-score one month (30 days) from the last previous test attempt. For further information about the APCAT, sample test questions, test writing tips and techniques, please open the PDF document below.

APCAT Test Brochure.pdf

The Alberta Communications Test uses portions of the Canadian Adult Achievement Test to assess reading, vocabulary, spelling and English.  The total amount of time required, including instructions and a break is one hour and thirty five minutes. The result of this test is valid for five years.
Retest Waiting Period – After writing the ACT for the first time, candidates must wait at least 1 month (30 days) from the date of writing before they may attempt the ACT a second time.  After writing the ACT for the second time, candidates must wait at least 6 months (i.e. 180 days) from the date they last wrote the test before they may attempt the ACT  a third time.  After writing the ACT for a third time, candidates must wait at least twelve months (i.e. 365 days) from the date they last wrote before they attempt the ACT a fourth time.  Thereafter, candidates may continue to rewrite the ACT as often as they wish.  However, each time, the waiting period doubles from the previous waiting period.

Candidate Brochure for ACT.pdf

Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police (A-PREP)

Effective January 1, 2010, all municipal police agencies in the Province of Alberta will require police applicants to successfully complete the Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police (A-PREP) test.

The A-PREP has three separate components: 1) a screening component to ensure the applicant is medically suitable to undergo the test; 2) a series of job simulation tasks arranged in a Pursuit/Restraint Circuit; and 3) an assessment of aerobic fitness (the Aerobic Shuttle Run).

Before attempting the A-PREP, you will be required to complete the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) found in the application package. This inventory identifies medical conditions that could pose a risk during exercise and which need to be cleared by a physician.

The A-PREP test can only be administered by or on behalf of one of the four agencies licensed to conduct testing. The four licensed agencies are the Calgary Police Service, the Edmonton Police Service, the Lethbridge Regional Police Service and the Medicine Hat Police Service.  The Medicine Hat Police Service will accept the results of the A-PREP test conducted by any of the above agencies.

The A-PREP results are valid for six (6) months.

Retesting – Applicants can make arrangements to retake the test immediately. If an applicant fails on the second test there is a two (2) month waiting period before the A-PREP can be attempted again and then a two (2) month waiting period for each successive fail.

APREP Fit to Serve.pdf

Stage Three – Competency Specific Testing
Candidates who successfully complete the physical fitness appraisal will continue to the interview stage.  There are two separate interviews, each with members of the recruit selection team.

Personal Disclosure Interview (PDI)
All municipal police services in the Province of Alberta conduct a Personal Disclosure Interview for the purposes of assessing the applicant’s overall competitiveness, organizational fit, and to assess the accuracy and completeness of disclosures supplied by an applicant in the Application and Personal Disclosure forms.

Though a police service may compare the results of the PDI conducted by another Provincial police service, they are not obligated to accept those results.  Nothing prohibits a police service from conducting additional interviews as deemed necessary.

Candidates may be removed from the selection process based on disclosures made during this assessment, or if the agency believes the applicant simply does not meet the organizational needs, or if the agency believes the applicant is simply not competitive with other applications.


Behavior Descriptive Interview
The second interview is a behavioral-based interview that is designed to explore the candidate’s competencies, including:

1. Adaptability/Decisiveness
The ability and confidence to vary between being flexible and holding firm on a decision, depending on what the situation requires, showing leadership by adjusting one’s approach to the demands of a particular task or by taking and maintaining a position in a self-assured manner.

2. Initiative/Perseverance
The ability to be willing to take action to address needs without being requested to do so, staying on task to completion, particularly in the face of obstacles or other trying circumstances.

3. Interpersonal Skills
The ability to work effectively with different people and teams of people by putting others at ease, acknowledging diverse opinions, addressing relevant concerns, minimizing conflict, promoting harmony, cooperating with others and working toward consensual solutions to achieve the group’s objectives.

4. Organizational Skills
The ability to identify and set priorities, to plan and effectively allocate appropriate resources, to attend to detail so that relevant issues are addressed and high quality outcomes result.

5. Stress Management
The ability to work well under pressure or opposition, while maintaining effectiveness and self- control in the midst of any one or combination of stressors, including emotional strain, ambiguity, risk to self and fatigue.

6. Valuing Service and Diversity
The ability to be sensitive to client and community needs and perceptions by providing prompt, efficient and equitable service and involving clients and community in the resolution of problems that affect them.

* Responses to questions during the Behavior Descriptive Interview are to be in the STAR format. (Situation or Task, Action and Result)

Stage Four – Integrity and Psychometric Testing
The Medicine Hat Police Service uses the polygraph for the purpose of information verification   to check the accuracy and completeness of disclosures supplied by an applicant.

All Municipal Police Services in the Province of Alberta use the following psychometric evaluations. A qualified Chartered Psychologist administers and interprets the results of the tests.   

Minnesota Multiphasic Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III)16 Personality Factors Questionnaire (16 PF)

Candidates reaching this stage are required to produce the following documents prior to the background stage.

1.  Resume
2.  Three to Five reference letters (to be obtained from reputable adults who can attest to the candidate’s character)
3.  Copy of operator’s license and documentation of special qualifications (Driver training, self defense, life
saving, etc.)


Stage Five – Background – Security Investigation
A comprehensive background investigation will be conducted on applicants who continue in the process.  The background investigation includes, but is not limited to:

Criminal history and Police Information checks
Reference checks
Credit checks

Stage Six – Selection – Hiring Decision
All information collected in the previous stages of the selection process is reviewed and compared to the selection criteria.  A summary report on the candidates is submitted to the  Office of the Chief of Police for final selection.  A conditional offer of employment may be made at this stage.  The offer is conditional on medical clearance.


Stage Seven – Pre-Employment Medical
A Pre-Employment medical examination conducted by a qualified physician is conducted during the final stage of the process.  The physician provides an opinion on the capability of the candidate to perform the duties of a front line Police Constable. This opinion determines the acceptance or disqualification of the candidate for employment and will conduct police employment specific medical and laboratory testing  in compliance with the Alberta Solicitor General guidelines.

Self Assess .pdf

Application and Deferrals
Applications are valid for one year from the date of submission.  Applicants who have been out of the selection
process beyond the one year mandate of their application are required to submit a new application.
Three unsuccessful attempts at any point from the interview, polygraph, psychological, or background components of the selection process, inclusive of all application incidents, precludes reapplication to the
Medicine Hat Police Service. Candidate may be deferred, without appeal at any stage of the selection process, based on competitiveness.  In some cases, permanent disqualification from reapplication may occur irrespective of deferral policy.

Contact the Recruiting Team:



Collision Reporting Centre


What is a Collision Reporting Centre?

The Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) has partnered with Accident Support Services International Ltd. in the operation of Collision Reporting Centre (CRC).  The Medicine Hat CRC will provide improved service to the public offering a streamlined process for reporting property damage vehicle collisions.  The CRC is located in the lobby of the MHPS, located at 884 2nd Street SE, Medicine Hat, AB. 


How does it work?

In cases where a collision occurs and the vehicles are moveable, once reported to 9-1-1 citizens will be directed to drive to the CRC to complete the required police report.  In cases where vehicles are not moveable, tow trucks will be dispatched to the scene to clear the vehicles and transport parties involved to the CRC.  Upon arrival at the centre, citizens will be greeted by a member of the Accident Support Services staff who will provide assistance in completing the required forms, contacting the insurer or a loved one and even starting the claims process.


Must I report an incident immediately?

In most cases, claimants are advised to attend to the Collision Reporting Centre.  However claimants may attend at other times, in accordance with the situation.  The hours of operation for the CRC are as follows:

Monday to Friday                            8 AM to 4 PM
Saturday/Sundays and Holidays   Closed

What about motor vehicles collisions?

The majority of claims handled by the CRC involve motor vehicle collisions.  Collisions that are eligible for reporting at the CRC include: any property damage collisions where the damage is estimated to be over $2,000, but there are no injuries or criminal offences involved.  The MHPS is no longer investigating such collisions, except when there is injury or death, criminal activity (including alcohol) one or more of the vehicles are federally, provincially or municipally owned, one of the vehicles is transporting dangerous goods, or there is damage to private municipal or highway property.

Police will attend to assist with traffic problems.  In addition, police will investigate the collision when the circumstances are such that it would be a serious hardship to ask the claimants to attend to the CRC.

Arrangements have been made with towing companies to have the vehicle brought to the MHPS, whether it is immediately after the incident or some time later when the CRC is open.  Vehicles involved in a collision are photographed, and claimants are provided with copies of all necessary documentation in connection with their claim.


Do all motor vehicle collisions have to be reported?

The Traffic Safety Act states that all motor vehicle collisions involving injury or death, where there is damage to highway property, and where the combined damage exceeds $2000 must be reported to the police.


What should l do if I get involved in a collision?

Check to determine if the police must investigate the collision.  Call 9-1-1 to report if you are unsure.
If it is safe to do so, remove the vehicle from the roadway. Exchange information with the other involved persons, including independent witnesses.  Obtain names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance and vehicle particulars. As soon as possible, attend with your vehicle to the Collision Reporting Centre.
Bring your documentation with you to the Collision Reporting Centre, ie. Drivers license, ownership and insurance.


May I contact the Collision Reporting Centre directly for more information?

The Medicine Hat Collision Reporting Centre will be pleased to answer your questions and can be reached at:

PHONE: 403-581-1070
FAX: 403-581-1063





High Collision Locations

The Highway 1 corridor that runs through Medicine Hat has encountered collisions at most intersections.  The intersections that require caution are:

·  Highway 1 at Dunmore Road SE

·  Highway 1 at 13 Ave SE

·  Highway 1 at 7 St SW

·  Highway 1 at 3 St SW

The top ten collision locations in the City of Medicine Hat are as follows:



Highway 1 at Dunmore Rd SE


13 Ave at Trans Canada Way SE


Dunmore Road at Strachan Road SE


Maple Ave at 1 St SE


13 Ave at Southview Dr SE


Carry Drive  at Dunmore Rd SE


Highway 1 at 13 Ave SE 


Ross Glen Dr at Dunmore Rd SE


Altawana at Parkview Dr NE


Strachan Rd at 13 Ave SE

