Mission / Vision / Values

To serve and protect our community with pride through professional and progressive policing.

To optimize the safety and security of our community.

Core Values:  
We fulfill our Mission and implement our Vision through commitment to, and the demonstration of, our core organizational values:

INTEGRITY - Being honest and ethical.

RESPECT - Acknowledging, accepting and valuing ourselves and others.

COURAGE - Doing the right thing in the face of adversity.

ACCOUNTABILITY - Accepting responsibility for our actions. 


Quick Links

Alarm System Registration: City of Medicine Hat Bylaw 3716 requires all security alarm systems to be registered prior to becoming operable.  To register a security alarm system complete the Alarm Systems Registration Form and return it to the Medicine Hat Police Service by mail, fax, email or drop off in person at 884 2nd Street SE, Medicine Hat.  Once registered you will be provided with a sticker with a registration number to place on your alarm system panel.

Burning Bylaw Fact Sheet:  Permits are required for fire pits, outdoor fireplaces and barbecues (fire receptacles) for the purpose of cooking or obtaining warmth, provided the appliances for cooking or obtaining warmth are used on the property of the resident, or in a public area at a location approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 

Parking Offences: Parking in the City of Medicine Hat is regulated by both the City of Medicine Hat and the Traffic Safety Act of Alberta.  If you wish to appeal a parking ticket complete the Parking Ticket Appeal Form 

Property Standards:  Unsightly property is a property that, in the opinion of a Bylaw Enforcement Officer, is detrimental to the surrounding area because of its unsightly condition.

Secure Loads: City of Medicine Hat Bylaws 1805 and 1556 prohibit waste from being transported in a vehicle unless it is covered and properly secured to prevent it from coming off or out of the vehicle or trailer it is being transported in.

Tobacco Reduction:  Peace officers as well as Inspectors within the Tobacco Enforcement Unit of the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission enforce Section 7.1 and 7.2 of the Tobacco Reduction Act.

Charitable Donations vs. Dumping: In January of 2013 several local charities, community members and representatives of the City of Medicine Hat came together to form a united front against illegal dumping at charitable donation sites.  The goal is to raise public awareness about acceptable donations vs dumping.  Dumping is against the law and many people are an unaware that your favorite charity is being charged to dispose of these unusable items.  The local non-profit organizations appreciate all acceptable donations and the communities continued support.

Being a Good Neighbour: Here are a few tips for maintaining safe, attractive neighbourhoods that are pleasant for everyone.

These documents are provided as Adobe PDF files  . You will require the Acrobat Reader plugin to view and print them. 

If you don't have it, you can download it FREE here.

For a complete listing of current City of Medicine Hat bylaws in force click here:

Brad Potts
Municipal Bylaw Enforcement
phone:(403) 529-8436






Chief of Police


The Chief of Police is responsible for:

  • The overall stewardship of the executive team
  • The guardianship of the Service's vision, values and strategic objectives
  • The efficiency and effectiveness of all operations
  • Liaising with the community, corporation, and Police Commission
  • Conducting network scans at the provincial, national and international level to continually explore new opportunities to add value to the community

Office of the Chief
Medicine Hat Police Service
phone: (403) 529-8410







Professional Standards

Maintaining open lines of communication with citizens is an important priority for the Medicine Hat Police Service.  The mandate of the Professional Standards Section is to investigate complaints against the Police Service or its members as outlined in the Alberta Police Act. Additionally, members of the Professional Standards Unit look for opportunities to improve on the development of policy, procedures and training to ensure members of the MHPS are receiving the direction and training required to address the demands of policing now and into the future.

Public Compliments

How to compliment a member of the MHPS:
The Medicine Hat Police Service welcomes any compliments about a specific officer or civilian member and the service you received.

There are a number of ways to compliment a Medicine Hat Police Service staff member.  The more common approaches are:

All compliments will be reviewed by the Chief of Police and any staff member named will also receive a copy. Your personal information is optional.

Public Complaints

How to file a complaint against a member of the MHPS:
All complaints will be investigated as outlined in Alberta Police Act.  A complaint against the Police Service or a police officer must be made in writing and signed by the person making the complaint.

To file a complaint in writing you may:

  • Complete the Citizen Complaint Against Police form
  • Attend to the police station and ask for the Duty Staff Sergeant, or
  • Contact the Public Complaints Director who can assist you;
                Greg Keen
                Public Complaints Director
                phone: 403-878-7820
                fax: 403-529-8473

The Medicine Hat Police Commission is committed to effective oversight of the public complaints process by promoting a fair and transparent process.  The Public Complaint Director function is a key component in the law enforcement oversight model in Alberta.

The Police Commission has appointed Greg Keen as the Public Complaint Director, who acts under the direction of the Chair of the Police Commission and is independent from the Medicine Hat Police Service.  The Public Complaint  Director will receive complaints as laid out in the Police Act section 28(3) and will direct them to the Chief of Police as laid out in the Police Act sections 43(1)(2).

The Public Complaint Director monitors the status of all complaints and will provide an alternative dispute resolution process when appropriate after consultation with the Medicine Hat Police Service and the complainant. 

Upcoming Public Police Act Hearings:

On April 1, 2025 at 9:00 am the Medicine Hat Police Service will be holding a Disciplinary Hearing relating to file #24-005. This hearing is open to the public and will be held at the Medicine Hat Community Boardroom located at 884 2 St. SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta. An officer is facing several counts of discreditable conduct, several counts of neglect of duty and one count of deceit. This hearing is scheduled for the entering of a plea to these charges.




Deadline to apply is May 1, 2025


Applications can be submitted online via this link Police Employment Application


Basic Recruitment Information

Police Officers are frequently called upon to fulfill a wide variety of roles during the course of their duties. These duties range from law enforcement and criminal apprehension through traffic control, domestic arbitration and crime prevention. It is a profession that means a new way of life by serving the community in a truly meaningful role that is both challenging and rewarding.

The Medicine Hat Police Service, a great future career in excellence, service, and personal growth.

Members of the police service enjoy a wide range of employee benefits.

These include:


  • Competitive Salaries
  • Health Life and Dental Insurance Coverage
  • Sick Leave Benefits
  • Annual Vacation with Pay
  • Paid Statutory Holidays
  • Pension Plan
  • Shift Premium
  • Paid Court Attendance during Off Duty Hours
  • Uniforms and Equipment are provided

Police Opportunities

We expect a great deal from the people we select to serve the citizens of Medicine Hat as police officers. Our members must have exemplary moral character, a high degree of personal integrity, display sound judgment, intelligent decision making, maturity and common sense.

The mission statement of the Medicine Hat Police Service is “Serving and protecting our community with pride through professional and progressive policing”.  Our vision is “To optimize the safety and security of our community”.  We achieve our Mission and Vision through commitment to and demonstration of our organizational core values:

INTEGRITY - being honest and ethical

RESPECT - acknowledging, accepting and valuing ourselves and others

COURAGE - doing the right thing in the face of adversity

ACCOUNTABILITY - accepting responsibility for our actions 

The importance of having these traits cannot be stressed enough – nor can they be taught. These are the foundations of what makes a good officer.

Minimum Requirements

  • Grade 12 diploma or equivalent.
  • Canadian citizen or legal permanent resident at the time of application
  • At least 18 years of age.
  • Class 5 Driver's license (non GDL) with no more than five demerit points.
  • Meet medical/health and fitness standards. Medical requirements self-assessment
  • No unpardoned criminal convictions.
  • No criminal charges pending before the courts.
  • No criminal activity within the last three years both detected and undetected.
  • Strong credit rating.
  • One year clear of discharge date from a bankruptcy.

Please note that these requirements are a prerequisite and you must meet them to apply. Also, remember that having the minimum requirements allow you to apply, but does not necessarily mean you will be successful in our competitive hiring process.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Minimum of two years post-secondary education and/or consistent employment history.
  • Volunteer experience in the community.
  • Work experience involving a position of responsibility and trust.
  • Duties that involve significant interaction with the public.
  • Applied knowledge of computers, including but not limited to, MS Windows, Word, Outlook, etc., and basic typing skills.

Are you ready to apply?

This questionnaire is provided for you to assess your suitability for a career in policing. You know your strengths, skills and abilities better than anyone else.

  1. I meet the minimum requirements.
  2. My lifestyle is one that exhibits high moral character.
  3. I am able to work with all kinds of people in a variety of situations.
  4. I have self-confidence to be assertive when the situation demands it.
  5. In the face of uncertainty, I can make necessary decisions.
  6. I am the type of person who seeks out a challenge.
  7. I am physically fit, emotionally stable and responsible.
  8. I am prepared to work in all types of weather conditions.
  9. I have considered the impact that shift work will have on my home life.
  10. I am just as comfortable working alone as in a team environment.
  11. I demonstrate leadership qualities.
  12. I am willing to work shifts, including evenings, nights and weekends at any time of the year.
  13. I have no medical conditions that will limit my ability to do police work.
  14. I am able to use my own initiative and work with a minimum amount of supervision.
  15. My experience reflects an ongoing interest in serving my community.
  16. My moral, philosophical or religious beliefs would not prevent me from using deadly force if required.

If you think you are ready, or would like any more information about a career in policing with the Medicine Hat Police Service contact a member of the Recruitment Team at

For further information on recruitment click here


MHPS Promo from Medicine Hat Police Service on Vimeo.

Recruitment Forms 

Provincial Guidelines For Police Recruit Selection 

Supplemental Vision Form (only if you've had corrective surgery)

Important Information for Applicants

Written Testing
APCAT Test Information
ACT Test Information
ACT Written Test Study Material
Physical Testing
Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation (A-PREP) - Frequently Asked Questions
A-PREP Instructions for Applicants
Preparing for the A-PREP
Self Assess Medical Requirements
A-Prep Video

Collective Agreement

Click here  to view the Collective Agreement Between the Police Association and the City of Medicine Hat.

Civilian Opportunities
Click here to view job postings on the City of Medicine Hat website

Volunteer Opportunities

Victim Assistance
More information about this position

Auxiliary Police Program
More information about this position


Contact the Recruiting Team:


Auxiliary Police Program


In 1994 the Medicine Hat Police Service conducted an internal audit of the programs and services it provided to the community, and identified that a need existed for a program of volunteers that would assist and support the members of the Medicine Hat Police Service. The first class graduated in 1994 and the Auxiliary Program has been a part of the Service ever since.

The Program

The Auxiliary program begins with a recruitment process which is held in conjunction with the regular Police Officer application process. It is the goal of the Auxiliary program to provide mentorship to aspiring Police Officers who intend on pursuing a full time career with the Medicine Hat Police Service. Once selected, Auxiliaries receive training in everything from policy and procedure to Officer Safety. Training generally takes place in the evenings and weekends and concludes with a graduation whereby the candidate is sworn in as a Community Peace Officer. Officers are then assigned to an Officer Coach whom they assist with regular patrol duties.

Each Auxiliary Officer is issued a uniform and duty belt. Although Auxiliaries are not armed with a firearm, they do carry O.C. spray, a police baton and handcuffs. They are also issued body armor. Auxiliary Officers are a valuable asset to the community and the Patrol Section and are at times exposed the same perils and situations as regular officers.

How Do I Join?

The Auxiliary recruitment process follows the same requirements as the regular Police Officer process. In fact, the Auxiliary candidates are selected from a pool of viable candidates identified through the regular member recruiting process.

To access recruiting information and forms, see the Recruiting Package for Inexperienced Applicants" found here. The Service encourages those aspiring to a career in law enforcement to participate in the application process. Please check our home page for upcoming recruiting processes.

For more information email:



The Medicine Hat Police Service is committed to providing accurate, timely, and consistent information to the community in a professional manner and in accordance with the laws regarding public information.


In an effort to foster the efficient exchange of information with members of the community, including the media, the Service has launched a new section of the website where all media release documents are posted, in addition to continuing to post all of our  calls for service .  

Connect with us through social media.  Follow the Medicine Hat Police Service on  X (formerly Twitter) @medhatpolice ,on Facebook at or Instagram @medicinehatpoliceservice.

For Municipal Bylaw information Follow @MHPSBylaw on Twitter(X), on Facebook at Medicine Hat Municipal Bylaw or on Instagram @MHPSBylaw.

The Service welcomes the opportunity to schedule interviews, locate expert spokespersons, issue news releases, provide up-to-date information and answer questions for all members of the news media.  It is our goal to assist the media with information requests as promptly and efficiently as possible; however public safety is our first priority.

To arrange on-site and phone interviews during normal business hours, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday, contact the Administrative Services Manager, Rita Sittler by phone at 403-529-8416 or email at

In case of an emergency after normal business hours, contact the On Duty Patrol S/Sgt by phone at 403-529-8461.


Rita Sittler
Business Services Manager
phone: 403-529-8416

After hours / weekends:
On Duty Patrol Staff Sergeant
phone: 403-529-8461

Traffic / Road Safety Concerns:
Acting Sgt. Stacey Fishley
phone: 403-529-8471

Municipal Bylaw Concerns: 
Mr. Brad Potts
Community Peace Officer Supervisor
phone: 403-529-8436



Traffic Unit



The Traffic Unit is responsible for the enforcement of provincial regulations and city bylaws, as well as the investigation of all serious motor vehicle collisions, injuries and fatalities.  In addition, members of the unit provide over-dimensional loads and funeral escorts, traffic education through lectures to a variety of community groups and conduct joint force check stops with partners such as; Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Alberta Infrastructure & Transportation Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Branch.

As part of the Alberta Occupant Restraint Program, every Wednesday between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM throughout the year, members of the public can attend a FREE car seat clinic to ensure child and infant seats are correctly installed.  Between the months of May to September the clinics are held at the Alberta Health Services Clinic (located on Dunmore Road SE).  During the months of October through April the clinic is held at the Alberta Health Services EMS station located on Trans Canada Way SE.

If you would like to report a traffic concern or persistent traffic violation(s) in a specific area that can be expected to re-occur, please use the Traffic Services Request form.

If you are reporting a "one off" complaint where a specific violator or license number can be identified please call the police non-emergency line 403-529-8481 to report.

To review the criteria for reporting a collision click here 

For information about Reporting a Collision click here

For a list of high collision locations within the city of Medicine Hat.

For more information about Traffic Safety in Alberta click here


Sgt. Stacey Fishley
phone: 403-529-8471


Traffic Request Form
Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit: Photo Radar
Alberta Motor Association 
Alberta Motor Association School Safety Patrol
Alberta Transportation 
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD)
Passing an Emergency Vehicle
Accident Support Services International Ltd.




Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit

Photo radar is used within the City of Medicine Hat to monitor school and playground zones, high density, high collision traffic areas, and areas not normally monitored because it is not possible by conventional means, or it is too dangerous. Other locations have been established due to public concern.  These locations can vary from side streets to multi-lane traffic arteries. 

All new photo radar sites are established in accordance with the Provincial government’s Automated Traffic Enforcement Guidelines.

If you would like to identify a road safety issue that is of concern please do so by using the Traffic Services Request form.

The unit utilizes two vehicles to monitor the various photo radar sites throughout the City.   One of the vehicles is mainly dedicated to monitoring speeds within school and playground zones. 

All City of Medicine Hat school & playground zones are posted as playground zones only. All playground zones will be in effect from 7:30 am until 9:00 pm 365 days a year.

How photo radar works: The photo radar system consists of a low powered Doppler radar antenna, a high speed traffic camera with flash unit, a main processing unit and a control unit.  When a vehicle travels through the radar signal the difference in the reflected radar signal is measured and a speed is calculated.  If the speed is greater than the set trigger speed the camera takes a picture of the rear of the offending vehicle.

For a list of frequently asked questions about photo radar click here

To view this month's enforcement location calendar click here

To view a complete list of photo radar site locations click here

If you should wish to discuss a concern with a photo radar ticket you have been issued please contact:

Traffic Unit Sgt
phone: 403-529-8471

or attend the Medicine Hat Police Service located at 884 2nd Street SE between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.


Canine Unit (K-9)


The Medicine Hat Police Service Canine (K9) Unit has been in operation since 1980 when it started with two police service dogs (PSD). The Unit expanded in 1985 to include 4 dogs and 4 handlers to allow for 24 hours per day, 7 days a week street coverage. 


The K9 team's primary purpose is to attend scenes of crimes that are in progress or that have just occurred, for example break and enters, theft from autos, assaults and robberies.  The ability of the PSD makes them ideal partners in many areas. The training of the dogs allows them to follow human scent and gives them the ability to track and locate suspects. The dogs are used to search and clear buildings where alarms have been received and it is suspected someone has illegally entered. The dogs can also locate evidence, which may be related to a crime. All of the dogs are cross-trained in the locating of narcotics. 

Dog handlers work only one dog and are responsible for them at all times. Dogs remain in the unit as long as they are able to perform the duties required of them. Once the dogs reach an age that they are no longer able to work, they are retired to their handler.





View Current Police Service Dogs here








Previous Medicine Hat Police Service Dogs Teams include:

1980-1987   PSD Bandit / Cst. Lou O'Reilly
1980-1986   PSD Smokey / Cst. Rob Siegmund
1984-1990   PSD Tracer / Cst. Andy McGrogan
1985-1991   PSD Ruger / Cst. Dave Brandrith
1986-1991   PSD Khan / Cst. Tim Petro
1987-1993   PSD Thor / Cst. Murray Morton
1988-1995   PSD Delta / Cst. Dave Crawford
1989-1996   PSD Behr / Cst. Mark Morin
1992-1997   PSD Jake / Cst. Dave Townsend
1993-1999   PSD Basco / Cst. Brian Christmann
1995-2001   PSD Teo / Cst. Tim Schottner
1996-2001   PSD Eros / Cst. Darcy Fox
1997-2005   PSD Nero / Cst. Gord Stull
1999-2003   PSD Sabre / Cst. Randy Teel
2001-2003   PSD Athos / Cst. Darcy Fox
2001-2007   PSD Rocky / Cst. Darcy Brandt
2003-2009   PSD Brix / Cst. Roger Page
2004-2007   PSD Zipo / Cst. Jason Ross
2004-2009   PSD Boris / Cst. Shawn Davis
2007-2014   PSD Reno / Cst. Jason Dola
2007-2011   PSD Rex / Cst. Jason Ross
2009-2015   PSD Duco / Cst. Clarke White
2011-2013   PSD Kato / Cst. Chris Schlenker
2011-2013   PSD Expo / Cst. Marc Seiller
2013-2016   PSD Larry / Cst. Chris Schlenker
2013-2017   PSD Elvis / Cst. Matt Sanders
2014-2017   PSD Finn / Cst. Marc Seiller
2016-2019   PSD Flint / Cst. Joel Pullman
2017-2024   PSD Astor / Cst. Jason Ross
2019-2021   PSD Flint / Cst. Jason Dola
2020-2023   PSD Hutch / Cst. Roger Page
2023-active  PSD Bronx / Cst. Garreth MacPherson
2024-active  PSD Frezer / Cst. Jean-Paul Guerra








